Administrative elections in Lazio, in Civitavecchia, Palestrina and Tarquinia the ballot for the new mayor

Administrative elections in Lazio, today 31 thousand citizens will vote Civitavecchia and Palestrinain the province of Rome, and in Tarquiniain the province of Viterbo, to elect the new mayors: the ballot boxes for the ballot will be open on Sunday 23rd from 7am to 11pm and on Monday 24th from 7am to 3pm. In detail, those entitled are distributed as follows: in Civitavecchia 43,632 voters and 51,880 inhabitants divided into 53 sections; in Palestrina 17,503 voters and 22,082 inhabitants for 18 sections and finally Tarquinia with 13,741 voters and 16,075 inhabitants in 14 sections. In the first round in Civitavecchia at 11pm on Sunday the turnout stood at 63.43 percent; in Palestrina, however, it was equal to 70.91 percent. The figure for Tarquinia is slightly higher, where 71.92 percent of those entitled to vote went to the polls in the first round. You vote by expressing a preference for one of the two candidates for mayor who will be indicated on the ballot papers.

Civitavecchia, the endorsement of Grasso

In Civitavecchia the competition is between the candidate supported by the Brothers of Italy and the League, Massimiliano Grassowhich obtained 34.61 percent of the vote equal to 9,323 votes in the first round, and the one supported by the Democratic Party and the Left Green Alliance, Marco Piendibene, which has so far catalyzed 21.41 percent of the consensus, equal to 5,767 votes. Here the center-right had split, but from Forza Italia and Noi moderates – who had presented themselves with Paolo Poletticandidate for mayor – has arrived the endorsement of Grasso. Poletti starts from a consensus base of 17.97 percent of the preferences with 4,842 votes. The candidate of the 5 Star Movement, however, Vincenzo D’Antò he reached 14.02 percent with 3,776 votes. In the area, over 3 thousand votes are in the balance which in the first round went to the civics Roberta Galletta (6.72 percent with 1,810 votes) e Vittorio Petrelli (5.28 percent with 1,422).

Palestrina, Macchi vs Cilia

In Palestrina the competition will be between the centre-left candidate Igino Macchi and the centre-right one Giuseppe Cilia. The first is supported by the Democratic Party and three civic lists and obtained 42.07 percent of the votes equal to 5,045 preferences in the first round. The second is supported by Forza Italia and Noi moderato and received 22.25 percent of the vote, equal to 2,668 votes. The other centre-right candidate, supported by Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, Eleonora Nuvoli, instead obtained 20.5 percent of the vote, equal to 2,459 preferences. For Cristiana Polucci supported by the Left Green Alliance, however, the preferences were equal to 8.17 percent for a total of 980 votes. Finally, 7.01 percent of those entitled, in the first round, chose the street address Ludovico Rosicarelli which garnered 841 votes.

Tarquinia, Sposetti (centre-left) at 41.76 in the first round

Finally, in Tarquinia the challenge is led by the united centre-left, made up of the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Left Green Alliance, in support of Francesco Sposettiwho conveyed in the first round 41.76 percent of the consensus with 4,009 votes. He will have to deal with the centre-right candidate Alessandro Giulivi, supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Lega, which in the first round stopped at 25.4 percent of the preferences equal to 2,438 votes. Three civic candidates in Tarquinia who drained over 3 thousand votes in the first round: Renato Bacciardi (21.3 percent with 2,045 votes), Martina Tosoni (8.59 percent with 825), Giovanni Moscherini (2.95 percent with 283 votes).

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