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8 licenses revoked for drunk driving

8 licenses revoked for drunk driving
8 licenses revoked for drunk driving
Civitanova Marche, traffic police checks: 8 licenses withdrawn for driving while intoxicated

CIVITANOVA MARCHE – On the night of last June 30th the Macerata Traffic Police Section carried out specific services along the coastal strip of the province. In Civitanova Marche, 8 licenses were withdrawn for drunk driving, of which 4 to men between the ages of 18 and 28, 3 to men over the age of 32, and 1 to a woman between the ages of 18 and 32. A total of 4 criminal violations and 4 administrative violations were identified, and a total of 240 points were deducted.
Furthermore, 19 traffic fines were imposed, including one for driving without a licence.
The activity carried out by the State Police is part of a wide-ranging project supported by the Ministry of the Interior – through the Prefect and the Police Commissioner of Macerata with the Traffic Police Department of Ancona – aimed at reducing the number of road victims, carrying out a real prevention activity, with the aim of significantly reducing the number of victims, injuries and road accidents.

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