Pescara: tickets for Christopher removed, the Municipality will keep them

Pescara: tickets for Christopher removed, the Municipality will keep them
Pescara: tickets for Christopher removed, the Municipality will keep them

Bad weather arrives, the worn wax candles and tickets in memory of Christopher Thomas Luciani, the 16 year old brutally killed on Sunday 23 June in the ‘Baden Powell’ park in Pescara, have been removed.

In the afternoon, the Municipality and the Ambiente company, which cleans the city, intervened outside the green area, whose fences had been filled with flowers and cards in recent days.

“Taking into account the weather warning for tomorrow (rain forecast, including heavy rain) – reads a note from the City Hall – it has been decided to remove the now worn out wax candles and the tickets, which could be ruined, destroyed or swept away by the wave of bad weather that will hit the city”.

“The rest has been tidied up, in an attempt to secure the bouquets.”

“The Municipality will take care of preserving the more than 60 notes and signs addressed to Christopher, as a sign of respect for those who wanted to leave a public testimony of the dismay and pain that unite everyone”.

The crime took place in an RFI area adjacent to the park.

On the day of the funeral the Municipality temporarily closed the equipped green area of ​​Via Raffaello, “in consideration of the continuous comings and goings resulting from the murder, a sort of horror tourismperhaps aimed at taking photos and publishing them on social media, which the administration wanted to block,” concludes the note.

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