Sacred night and Four altars, in Torre del Greco faith drives the economy

Sacred night and Four altars, in Torre del Greco faith drives the economy
Sacred night and Four altars, in Torre del Greco faith drives the economy

The Torrese summer started early, since May, with mega historical, religious and cultural events that are bringing excitement to the streets and sites of the centre, with reverberations also on the economy. Focus on «Holy Night» starting in May and which will end tonight and on the revival «Feast of the Four Altars», staggered in three steps from May to July. Whether it is the devotion to San Vincenzo Romano and the Immaculate Conception, in the case of the first event, or the celebration of Corpus Domini, in the second case, religion confirms itself as one of the major glues for cultural, artistic, social and aggregative initiatives .

This weekend, with activities yesterday and today, the “Sacred Night” event ends, coordinated by the Committee of the same name – chaired by the maestro Vincenzo Nocerino – which proposed initiatives such as visits to the historical hypogea, a tourist cycle ride to the sites of the eruption of June 1794, theatrical performances, such as the one dedicated to Saint Vincent Roman (Lu prevete toiler) and the spectacular “pyromusical” fire in the bell tower of the Basilica of Santa Croce, which arrived in the city for the first time on Sunday 16 June. This last weekend, however, is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the coronation of the sacred statue, which took place in 1954. Concerts of Marian songs were held yesterday in the churches of the center and at 10.30 pm, in Piazza Santa Croce , an unprecedented and spectacular videomapping show dedicated to the Immaculate Conception was performed. Today at 5pm in the Basilica the Holy Mass will be presided over by monsignor Gaetano Castello, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Naples. At the end of the celebration, the sacred image of the Immaculate Conception will be displayed in Piazza Santa Croce, followed by a prayer vigil presided over by Monsignor Domenico BattagliaMetropolitan Archbishop of the Diocese of Naples.

Since May, the “Festa dei Quattro Altari” has been underway, relaunched by the Mennella administration after 14 years of hiatus, with the artistic direction of the director Gigi Di Luca. The event started on 25 and 26 May, with the identity village and the involvement of all the city schools, at Molini Marzoli; on 1 and 2 June there was a conference and concert show on Corpus Domini; on 19, 20 and 21 July there will be the actual celebration, with the installation of the Altars in the four strategic points of the center and the Carpets in the churches. These events, especially on weekends, are bringing many citizens from the peripheral areas of the city to the historic center, or to the Molini area. Furthermore, visitors from neighboring municipalities come to the city, thus boosting the economy of local businesses. «The promotion of the territory through its history and its traditions – said the mayor Louis Mennella – is one of the guiding threads of our mission, as demonstrated by the commitment made to relaunch the Feast of the Four Altars. The religious message of the festival, the historic procession of the Immaculate Conception, the life and works of San Vincenzo Romano are vehicles of tourist attraction which can be leveraged to entice more and more visitors to come to Torre del Greco and to learn about the beauties and potential of the our city.” «The Holy Night of the Immaculate Conception has a strong impact on the community – he said Don Joshua Lombardo – both from a spiritual and cultural point of view; young people are protagonists. It is much more than just a religious celebration. It is an event that intertwines faith and tradition. Torre del Greco shows itself in its best guise, combining devotion to the Madonna with pride in one’s roots and hope for the future.”


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