Novara: no negotiations, “the gym in via Magalotti will be built”

Novara: no negotiations, “the gym in via Magalotti will be built”
Novara: no negotiations, “the gym in via Magalotti will be built”

Zero margin for negotiation: the tensile structure project for the Libertas Gymnastics inside the “Pier Lombardo” complex in via Magalotti «will be done». The Sports Councilor Ivan De Grandis was “trenchant”: «The project has now passed to the Council, the Council has approved the small variation of the Prg and the tender will start shortly».

Gym in via Magalotti, full speed ahead

Therefore, if the residents of via Magalotti and viale Allegra who were against the project, and who formed a spontaneous committee and signed a petition (which in the meantime had reached 154 signatures) to say “no” to the new gym, had placed some residual hope in The hearing held on Tuesday during the meeting of the Fourth Council Commission, certainly did not leave satisfied.

As reported by the Corriere di Novara, there was a discussion – at times even heated (only among politicians, actually) – but in the end the positions remained exactly the same.

Residents’ opposition

On the one hand, the citizens opposed to the new plant, who in the commission, represented by a large delegation which also included Professor Giancarlo Andenna, they reiterated the reasons for their no. First of all, clearing away preconceived positions: «What must be clear – he said Giuliano Subani, the first signatory of the petition – is that we are not against the gym, nor the needs of the gymnastics club. The problem is choosing the place to carry it out.”

First of all for a question of traffic management: «Ours is an already congested area – explained Subani – And to think that the problem of the increase in cars can be solved with the expansion of the internal parking is in itself a “vulnus” . Beyond compliance with legal regulations and volume ratios, the true fact is that greenery is being taken away from school children.”

An issue he also insisted on Elena Beth: «The “Pier Lombardo” is attended by over 550 students who have always been able to spend their recess outdoors and in the greenery, which is also used for other school activities».

Another of the residents, Sergio Rudoni, recalled that «that green area has existed since the condominiums were built, those who live in the area have always had it in front of them. This operation also lowers the real estate value of the accommodation.” Rudoni reiterated that the signatories of the petition “don’t have anything against sport, on the contrary… But if the Administration looked around, it would see that other solutions are possible”.

The councilor: “Unfounded fears”

Councilor De Grandis responded point by point to the residents’ statements, leaving, as mentioned, no room for the requested “rethinking”. «The project will be done. And you will realize, in the end, that your fears are unfounded. I’m sorry that your vision does not correspond to the reality of the facts. Among other things – he added – in the last elections in your seat Fratelli d’Italia exceeded 37%, so it means that the citizens appreciate our work … ».

In his reply, De Grandis used the term “false” several times. According to the councilor, the feared increase in traffic is “false”: “The planned gym involves the maximum presence of around 25/30 kids per shift, so the amount of people involved in the gymnastic activity will be equal to or even lower at 10% of school time and at times where there is no mixing”. It is “false” that the greenery of the school will be penalized: “The small piece of green area that will be removed corresponds to 0.4%, it is not true that space will be taken away from the children. Just as it is not true that the school was not informed: the director is aware of this and does not seem dissatisfied…”. Finally, “it is unacceptable to think that a municipal structure of public interest could negatively influence the value of real estate units in the area”.

The Democratic Party’s attack

From the opposition benches, the PD group leader Nicola Fonzo wanted to reiterate: «The confrontation (or clash) is not between the citizens and the sports club, but between the citizens and the municipal administration which made this choice. Didn’t Via Fara teach you anything? Your limit, councilor, is that you must listen to citizens first, not after having made choices… Things must be explained first. And it is not true that, even on our part, no alternative proposals have been put forward. You say they are all impracticable? You just need to want it, you don’t lack the money… Our invitation is to try to think about other options, because changing your mind can also be an element of pride for an Administration”.

The fact that “there is no sign of openness on the part of the councilor” is – according to Milù Allegra (Pd) – “very serious, even on the part of an Administration that takes 37%… Furthermore – he added – I wonder why the head teacher wasn’t also invited today, who perhaps could have had his say. We haven’t yet understood whether he is in favor or not, but I remember that in any case the director is not the “master” of the school: there are collegial bodies that will have to give an opinion.”

«More than two years have passed since it was decided to dismantle the former TAV area, – recalled Rossano Pirovano (Pd) – There was plenty of time to identify another suitable area for moving the tensile structure. And instead we reached the last one. In Via Fara you had to backtrack, but evidently you learned nothing. Now you come here and say: “it’s all decided”, without even opening a discussion… Here, let’s remember, we are not objecting to the fact that the new gym is useful. Of course it helps! But not there. There are alternatives, if you want another solution you can find it.”

Alternatives, De Grandis repeated, are not viable: «Gymnastics needs a headquarters immediately. The other facilities are there, but if a place is abandoned it’s not good for gymnastics. Maybe it’s good for someone else, and we’ll get involved, but not for gymnastics…”.
And while tempers became increasingly heated, despite the attempt at mediation by Valentina Graziosi (Lega) who proposed “thinking about new green roofs to further mitigate the visual aspect of the new structure”, the commission concluded , adjourning the hearing to a next session Massimo Contaldorepresenting the Gymnastics Federation.

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