New Energy BBC Grosseto wins game three, further slowing down UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna – Grosseto Sport

New Energy BBC Grosseto wins game three, further slowing down UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna – Grosseto Sport
New Energy BBC Grosseto wins game three, further slowing down UnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna – Grosseto Sport

The San Marino returns to the solitary lead by winning by 11-5 a match characterized by many valid hits (19 in total, 11 for the San Marino players) and three home runs, including one grand slam Of Jiandido Tromp in the fifth inning of seven points which allowed Doriano Bindi’s men to take off. After a first inning controlled by the two starting pitchers Anderson DeLeon And Eddy Garcia del ToroSan Marino takes the initiative and unlocks the match in the second attack with a single by Javier Lopez. The vice-champions of Italy add another point in the third, with the first of the two home runs by Tromp, but in the top of the fourth the Big-Mat BSC Grosseto turns the match around with an attack of four hits and four points led home by a double by Mattia Mercuri (3-3) and by the serves of Diego Luciani And Niccolò Function.
The match becomes lively: San Marino shortens after the change of field with Lorenzo Di Fabiobut in the fifth the third hit of Mattia Mercuri the provisional 3-5 is valid for the Grosseto players. When the field changes, the cards on the table also change: the valid ones of Celli (double) e Javier Lopez (single with bases full) put San Marino ahead 6-5 while the grand slam of Tromp a little later against Sireus turns the game upside down. In the meantime Kourtiswho entered in the fifth inning, regulates the visiting attack and the second home run of the season Federico Celli further extends the result protected by a perfect seventh inning from Kourtis.

On Saturday evening at “Jannella” the New Energy BBC Grosseto makes its fans happy by winning, however 6-4the last and decisive match of the series againstUnipolSai Fortitudo Bologna thanks to a bullpen that manages to erect an insurmountable wall for Frignani’s hitters. Guests pay the start of Eduar Lopez who suffers three hits from the first three of the lineup (Tomsjansen, José Herrera and Jorge Barcelan) for the first point, only to then see the second point enter immediately after with a productive out by the former Martini. The Bolognese have a surge of pride and instantly tie the game with a long home run into right field by Samuele Gamberini, second batter of the inning after Francinel Martina’s base ball. Despite the arrivals on base of Lorenzo Dobboletta (single) e Yosmi Fernandez (base on balls), UnipolSai Bologna fails to break through and pays the consequences at the changeover when the hosts produce four points with the decisive serves of Francesco Vaglio (2 RBI), Barcelan And Martini. Guests are blocked from Jose Gomez until the fifth where, also taking advantage of an error, the Emilian team returns to the game scoring two points on the serves of Holder And Martina. With the entry of the red and white bullpen the offensive streak of the blue and white ends, who in the seventh inning leave double of Samuele Gamberini.

Results Saturday night (match three)

Parmaclima-Hotsand Macerata, 5-4; New Energy Grosseto-UnipolSai Bologna, 6-4; San Marino-Big Mat Grosseto 11-5.


San Marino (17-7), .709; Bologna (16-8), .667; Parma (15-9) .625, Macerata (11-13) .458; Bsc Grosseto (7-17) .291; BBC Grosseto (6-18) .250.

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