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Florence, the challenge between Funaro and Schmidt

(Luca Gasperoni) Challenge to the last vote for Palazzo Vecchio between the PD candidate of the coalition of centre-left, Sara Funaroand the civic supported by centre-right, Eike Schmidtfor a runoff that had not been held in the city since 2009, when he was elected Matteo Renzi. Funaro, outgoing councilor and nephew of the mayor of the ’66 flood Piero Bargelliniwent into the second round with a 10 point lead (43% to 33%) and the endorsement by Stefania Saccardi (7.3%), candidate of IV (although Matteo Renzi’s party did not express his opinion), and Lorenzo Masi of the 5 Star Party (3.3%).

For the former director of the Uffizi the support of Francesca Marrazza by RiBella Firenze (0.5%). No indication from the former dem councilor, Cecilia Del Re, of democratic Florence (6.2%) e Dimitrij Palagi of the Left common project (5.4%) who have already announced that they will still sit in opposition in the City Council. In recent days Funaro has relaunched the appeal to vote and put Schmidt’s complaint to the PD councilor, Andrea Giorgio, at the center of the debate for the phrase “with Schmidt fascists and racists in the city council”. The art historian after the meeting with the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosettolaunched a proposal for the new stadium and promised municipal insurance to reimburse victims of petty crime.

The closing of the electoral campaign in Piazza Santissima Annunziata di Funaro with the PD secretary, Elly Schleinbut no national big names in the local Central Club, chosen by Schmidt for the aperitif and final dinner with his supporters.

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