showers coming – Nordest24

showers coming – Nordest24
showers coming – Nordest24

The weather for the June 23, 2024 in Friuli Venezia Giulia And Veneto predicts a day characterized by instability and scattered thunderstorms.

Detailed forecast for Friuli Venezia Giulia

The day will begin with irregular cloud cover over much of the region. Light rain and local showers are expected, especially in mountain and plain areas. Morning temperatures will be around 18-21°C.

In the afternoon, an increase in cloud cover is expected with possibility of thunderstorms scattered, particularly in inland and mountainous areas such as Carnic Prealps and the Julian Alps. Maximum temperatures will reach 24-27°C, with weak but present winds from the north-east.

In the evening, the weather situation will remain unstable with rains And temporal which could also affect coastal areas. Temperatures will drop to values ​​between 19-23°C

Forecasts for Veneto

Even in Veneto, the morning will be characterized by skies cloudy with cleared rooms. Minimum temperatures will fluctuate between 20-22°C.

In the afternoon, an increase in cloud cover is expected with temporal scattered which will mainly affect mountain and foothill areas, such as Dolomites. Maximum temperatures will be between 25-28°C.

During the evening, the sky will remain overcast with possible showers and thunderstorms, especially in inland areas. Minimum temperatures will be between 20-23°C

Tips for travellers

For those planning travel or outdoor activities, we recommend bringing with you a umbrella and to pay attention to weather updates, as storms can be sudden and intense. It is also important to be careful when driving, especially in mountainous areas, where rain can reduce visibility and make roads slippery.

Weather forecast Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto: 24-26 June 2024

In the next few days, the weather situation in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto will be characterized by significant variability, with thunderstorms and drops in temperatures.

Monday 24 June 2024

The weather is mostly expected clear or slightly cloudy over much of the region, with minimum temperatures around 18-21°C. Coasts and plains will see mostly clear skies.

Increases the chance of scattered clouds with possible showers in mountainous areas, particularly on the Carnic Alps And Julian Prealps. Maximum temperatures will reach 24-27°C.

The sky will remain partly cloudy with some light rain expected especially in mountain and foothill areas. Temperatures will drop between 19-23°C

Tuesday 25 June 2024

The day will begin with partly cloudy skies over much of the region. Minimum temperatures will be between 17-20°C.

There will be clear up alternating with scattered clouds, with possible thunderstorms in internal areas. Maximum temperatures will fluctuate between 25-28°C.

In the evening, the weather will remain variable with possible thunder showers in mountain and pre-Alpine areas. Temperatures will drop between 18-22°C

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The day will be characterized by irregular cloud cover throughout the regional territory, with minimum temperatures between 16-19°C.

An increase in cloud cover is expected with rains and thunderstorms scattered, which will mainly affect inland and mountain areas. Maximum temperatures will be between 23-26°C.

In the evening, a condition of will be maintained instability with possible thunder showers throughout the region. Temperatures will drop between 18-21°C

Advice for the next few days

We recommend paying attention to weather updates, as storms can be sudden and intense. It is advisable to bring a umbrella and be careful when driving, especially in mountainous areas where rain can reduce visibility.

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