CGIL Molise and Associations of the Via Maestra against differentiated autonomy

The parliamentary process that we had widely predicted and announced in unsuspecting times, has brought to fruition one of the worst legislative representations, the result of a political compromise between the “old-fashioned” league and the advancing new right.

The Po Valley people bring home the dream of Bossi, Maroni Borghezio and Calderoli (…those who considered our South a sewer to be cleaned) with differentiated autonomy and the right, newly dressed with old ideas, relaunches the idea of man (woman?) alone in command with presidentialism. In our Molise the representation is even more tragic if we consider the fact that we had a fellow countryman senator as the rapporteur of the Calderoli bill. The story goes from tragic to tragicomic when it is bitterly noted that even authoritative political and institutional figures of the current majority who had expressed doubts about the constitutional reforms as they are proposed today, preferred to wear the party coat instead of that of local representatives. They wore the party coat, aligning themselves with the choices of convenience in order to maintain the sadly vaunted “institutional chain” which makes our Region increasingly take on the appearance of a Roman colony.

In due course we will ask him to account, but in the meantime the CGIL of Molise, together with a vast associative network of national rank which takes the name of the “Via Maestra” and together with the “NO DIFFERENTIATED AUTONOMY” territorial committees established in recent months, will continue its information campaign and will fight everywhere against this unfortunate one-way reform project which will further increase the gaps between the different territories of our nation and concentrate decision-making powers in the hands of a few people, mortifying the normal democratic and parliamentary dialectic. We prefer constitutional chains to the undefined institutional chains and in this direction we also ask groups that define themselves as progressive to take clear positions in conducting this popular struggle. To these same alliances
progressives we ask – especially when governing – to keep in mind that the fruit of their contextual choices always risks ending up in improvident hands even when historical periods alternate that presuppose reformist phases. We ask all workers, male and female pensioners, male and female students, male and female citizens, even with different political ideas, to inform themselves and choose.

Choosing, as Italy has been able to do in many phases of its history, to form a social bloc that maintains the values ​​of our Constitution and that knows how to adequately counter these reform ideas that worsen the institutional structures and the civil and solidarity coexistence of the our country.

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