A 20 million project for the rebirth of a village is underway in Sicily Italpress news agency

VIZZINI (CATANIA) (ITALPRESS) – Recovering the cultural, social and archaeo-industrial past of the territory, at the same time renewing it. This is the underlying theme of an urban regeneration project in Sicily which involves Vizzini, a community in the heart of the Catania hinterland. This is “In Cunziria”, which with an investment of 20 million euros aims to transform the village into a cultural and tourist hub. The physical regeneration will be completed by 2025, while the overall project will be completed by 2026. It will be made possible with funds from the PNRR – National Recovery and Resilience Plan – in line with the directives of the Ministry of Culture – Investment 2.1 “Attractiveness of Villages” – Line A – Sicilian Region.
Through a series of targeted interventions, the project intends to reverse the trend towards depopulation. Collaboration with the university world will play a leading role, in particular with the University of Catania and the Academy of Fine Arts, which will enliven the village with student residences, internships and permanent laboratory activities.
Once the regeneration is complete, it is expected that the area will employ around sixty people who will be called upon to operate it every day.
The initiative which aims at the birth of a real Sicilian Metaborgo, an area immersed in the naturalistic landscape in which the real world, rich in history and culture, and the digital world merge. At the center of the project is the redevelopment of 12 buildings, with specific interventions, based on their conditions, for a total of 48 infrastructures and two mills. The goal is to use advanced techniques to improve their energy efficiency while maintaining their historical integrity.
A key element will be the creation of the Circular Village, an autonomous energy community with self-consumption of energy and an innovative waste management system. Furthermore, the village will be “car-free”, with zero environmental impact transport, thanks to electric means of transport and soft mobility solutions.
On the cultural front, an international documentation center dedicated to Verismo will be created, together with a Verghiano museum, a library and an international conference center and a cultural hub, for artistic production related to climate change.
The project involves the revitalization of historic mills and the valorisation of natural water resources with the aim of recovering ancient agricultural and artisanal techniques, adapting them to modern needs with minimal environmental impact.
Infrastructures for broadband and widespread connectivity will be implemented, with smart devices and immersive tourist info points.
The rebirth of the Borgo di Cunziria was started in the 1990s on the initiative of Nello Musumeci, then president of the Regional Province of Catania and today minister of Civil Protection and Maritime Policies.
Promoting the transformation work were the Sicilian Region, which supported the initiative hoping for economic and social growth in Vizzini, and the Metropolitan City of Catania, which granted the loan for use of the property.
“Cunziria – declared the mayor of Catania Enrico Trantino – is an example of how a place can tell the story of our ancestors, enhancing, through its specificity, the charm of ancient and culturally rich stories”.
“The redevelopment project of the Borgo della Cunziria – states the mayor of Vizzini Salvatore Ferraro – promises to have a significant economic impact on local activities, transforming the village into a real engine of development for the entire Vizzini area”.
The Catania-based company Netith, Digital & Customer Experience, has a key role in supporting the creation and implementation of the project, offering advisory, project management and fund raising services. “The redevelopment of the Borgo della Cunziria represents a virtuous model of urban regeneration – commented CEO Franz Di Bella – which contemplates the recovery of the historical heritage with the creation of new economic and cultural opportunities. This holistic approach not only preserves the historical legacy of the village – he continued – but also creates a stimulating environment for social and economic development. Our role as advisor will be to ensure that each phase of the project respects the highest standards of quality and sustainability.”

– Photo rendering Borgo Cunziria, source “In Cunziria” press office –


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