“Full implementation of the law and greater protection for women”

Trade union, professionals and institutions discussing the legislation regarding voluntary termination of pregnancy L’Aquila, 21 June 2024 – The meeting organized by the Uil Abruzzo Equal Opportunities Coordination on Law 194/78 was held this morning at the Palazzetto dei Nobili in L’Aquila . The following spoke at the debate on a very current topic such as voluntary abortion: Ivana Veronese, Uil national secretary; Michele Lombardo, general secretary of Uil Abruzzo, Gianna Tollis, Equal Opportunities Coordination of Uil Abruzzo, Roberto Santangelo, councilor for social policies of the Abruzzo Region; Mario Quaglieri, doctor and regional councilor; Clorinda Delli Paoli, Equal Opportunities Commission of the Abruzzo Region; Serena Pisotta, lawyer from the Avezzano Court; Alessandra Fazi, non-objecting gynecologist at Avezzano Hospital; Valeria Salvatore, psychologist of the Order of Psychologists of Abruzzo. The union, which has a clear position regarding the importance of the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy, calls for the full implementation of law 194 and greater protection for women. Starting from the increase in the number of clinics in the area and the staff in charge, necessary to protect women’s health and support them in their choices.

“Law 194 on voluntary abortion was born way back in 1978 and was an important milestone because for the first time a woman was recognized as having the inalienable right to be the master of her own body – comments Gianna Tollis, of the Uil Abruzzo Equal Opportunities Coordination – For many decades we were aware of it and enjoyed it. Unfortunately in recent times something is changing and it has become increasingly difficult to find a non-objecting gynecologist. In our region, also thanks to a public health policy aimed at saving at all costs, the path for a woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy is tortuous and certainly not as easy and welcoming as it should be. With the possibility of including pro-life associations in the clinics, an already very difficult moment is made even more complicated.” “Uil Abruzzo – he adds – wanted to focus on the topic by giving voice to professionals but also to institutions and reiterating Uil’s position, namely that it is necessary that Law 194 remains a right and that women can always choose, freely and without conditioning.”

For Ivana Veronese, Uil national secretary: “Since this government took office, a narrative has been spreading, supported by declarations and actions of members of the executive, which attacks the right to have an abortion and the freedom of women to choose about their own bodies and on one’s life. We suggest that the government shift its attention from women who do not wish to have a child to women, to couples, who would like to become parents but cannot: because they do not have a stable job, or often not at all, because they cannot buy a house , because they cannot take out a mortgage, because they do not have a family network to support them. This means being not only on the side of women but also on the side of the future.”

Michele Lombardo, general secretary of Uil Abruzzo, adds: “As Uil Abruzzo we have started moments of reflection on various matters concerning the world of work and social issues. This appointment is part of this program, which began months ago, which reiterates the concept of Uil as a people’s union. Ready to increasingly deal with issues that concern all people, women, men and young people, and their problems, not only at work but also in life”.

“The position of Uil and Uil Abruzzo regarding the latest choices that the government is preparing to make are extremely clear – he concludes – we oppose the limitation of the application of law 194 and we think that we need to bring a greater presence of public institutions to the territory. We therefore strongly support the work done by our Equal Opportunities Coordination and the freedom of all women to be able to choose in absolute freedom and conscience, with the awareness that the debate, dialogue and discussion with the regional institutions, as occurred in today’s meeting, may serve to fill the gap that wrong choices produce with respect to the full application of the law”.

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