Social Si-Siena 2.0, concrete actions for the elderly, young people, families and disabled people

Social Si-Siena 2.0, concrete actions for the elderly, young people, families and disabled people
Social Si-Siena 2.0, concrete actions for the elderly, young people, families and disabled people

Attention to the elderly, minors, young people and families, equal opportunities and disabled people: these are the areas of action of the Si-Siena Sociale 2.0 Project, with which the Municipality of Siena intends to give new impetus to co-programming and co-planning activities with third-party bodies sector of the territory. They were approved today, Thursday 20 June, during the meeting of the municipal council on the proposal of the social councilor Micaela Papi. The act, in particular, concerns the project lines for the identification of third sector bodies available for co-planning with the Municipality of Siena for the development of four project proposals. The expression of interest to join the projects will open by the end of the month, the announcement will be available on the Siena Famiglia portal (

Through this expression of interest – explained councilor Micaela Papi – we first want to renew the ‘pact’ with the territory and the social fabric, to pursue the general objective of spreading a culture of shared administration and for the most specific to the ‘Si-Siena Social 2.0’ project in the area of ​​preventing and combating social vulnerability and fragility. We want to carry out concrete actions in collaboration with the associations of the Siena area on the four lines identified: elderly, minors, young people and families, equal opportunities and disabled people. The projects to be carried out for a common path with the administration will be evaluated along these strategic lines”.

Gthe collaboration agreements resulting from tco-planning flights that will be established for each line, to be stipulated in the form of an agreement, between the Municipality of Siena and the identified subjects, will last thirtysix months from the date of start of activities. As regards the economic framework l‘administration cThe municipal council will make available, for the implementation of co-planned interventions, a total amount of 670thousands euro, to be divided into the three reference years, of which 400 thousand euros by the Municipality of Siena itself and 270 thousand euros from the partner organization Foundation Monte dei Paschi di Siena; this availability may undergo increases in relation to the possible economic participation of the Sienese Health Society, as a partner institution. The three-year budget is divided as follows: line A, seniors: 120 thousand euros; line B, downovachildren, minors and familiesto 300 thousand euros; line C equal opportunities, 80 thousand euros; line d, disabled people, 170 thousand euros. THE beneficiaries of the interventions will be primarily residents of the Municipality of Siena in a fragile condition, with the possibility of use by residents of the Municipalities belonging to the S ConsortiumHealth company of Sienabased on the regulations that will subsequently be developed by the Municipality of Siena and the Company itself with respect to specific services.

The activity relating to co-planning will materialize in a comparison between Andnt ppublic ed Andnti partner, from which a joint definition of the final structure of the pproject. The public co-planning preliminary investigation procedure will end with the stipulation of specific agreements conventions, which will regulate the relationships between the Municipality of Siena and the partner entities in relation to each project line. In order to expand as much as possible the audience of subjects invited to participate, they will be able to submit their application: The Andnti of tErzo shectorboth individually and in partnership with each other, which will be the Andnts that will make up the network prhyria of the Ets co-designers withtoproceeding administration; the psupport artneri.e. subjects without the qualification of Ets, assuming the role of supporters for carrying out secondary and instrumental/functional activities for the realization of the main activities, who with their contribution can contribute to the realization of the project proposal or its improvement; partner co-financierswith which specific agreements will be established, suitable for regulating and enhancing also the related aspects of co-responsibility towards the realization of the pproject itself; toother public bodieswho, although not contributing to increasing the project budget with their own economic resources, nevertheless intend to offer their support for the implementation of the activities of common interest envisaged by the project itself.

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