Great heat in Ancona, services activated for the most vulnerable. Mucilage arrives in Numana and Sirolo

Great heat in Ancona, services activated for the most vulnerable. Mucilage arrives in Numana and Sirolo
Great heat in Ancona, services activated for the most vulnerable. Mucilage arrives in Numana and Sirolo

ANCONA – The heat wave that hit the region continues and yesterday reached peaks of 36 degrees in the capital. It’s a little better today, but the thermometer still remains above 30 degrees. Thirty-one, to be precise. Terrifying heat in the city, which puts the most vulnerable groups at risk. The Municipality has alerted all services aimed in particular at the elderly.

The alarm system

«No alarm from the civil protection – assures the deputy mayor Giovanni Zinni -, but we have prepared all the measures to support the most vulnerable». In fact, portable air conditioners are available for particularly critical situations relating to non-self-sufficient and indigent elderly people who request them. The application form can be requested from the Municipality of Ancona Elderly Operating Unit on 071/2222177. «These are on-call services that are activated during the summer in periods where the heat wave alert becomes more intense» the deputy mayor is keen to underline. The Municipality, among other things, has an alarm system in case of forecast heat waves which, when they reach the highest levels and last for several days – just as is happening now – can produce high risk conditions for fragile subjects and therefore require a series of precautions and warnings that the Municipality will issue through official channels. Ultimately, the rules are always the same: avoid going out during the hottest hours and hydrate continuously.

The effects

But among the effects of the great heat of these days there is also another, clearly visible and which creates quite a few problems for coastal tourism. In Numana and Sirolo the mucilage has already reached the shore. Just yesterday morning, Prof Roberto Danovaro, during the conference organized by Mosciolando at the Faculty of Economics and Business, raised the alarm. «In the next few days the phenomenon will also appear along the coast between Passetto and Portonovo» he said. South of the Conero, tourists have already been able to see with their own eyes. And goodbye cooling bath.


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Adriatic Courier

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