CRIMES RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL POLICE. SEIZURE OF TWO UNLAWFUL LANDFILLS. The soldiers of the Solopaca Tenenza, as part of the institutional services aimed at the economic control of the territory, with two separate operations subjected to seizure two illegal landfills in the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino (BN). — Vita Web TV

BENEVENTO. In recent days, the Guardia di Finanza of the Provincial Command of Benevento, as part of the institutional services aimed at the economic control of the territory, with two separate operations subjected to seizure two illegal landfills in the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino (BN). in particular, soldiers of the Solopaca Tenenza, during the first operation, on land owned by the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino, found, in a state of abandonment, 8 cubic bales made up of clothes, personal accessories (belts, bags, shoes and stuffed toys) probably destined to be disposed of, for an approximate total weight of 2.5 tonnes which, in consideration of the circumstances of time and place, constitute an unauthorized waste landfill. As part of the second operation , on an area of ​​approximately 18,440 square metres, owned by 3 individuals resident in San Salvatore Telesino and a company based in northern Italy, the military found the existence of an uncontrolled deposit of special waste (plastic material, tires , ferrous material, vehicle parts, electrical equipment, household appliances and some of them, inert materials from building demolitions, asbestos) constituting a danger to human health and harm to the environment. As a result of the aforementioned activities, the aforementioned areas are been subjected to seizure in violation of the art. 256 paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree. 152/2006. The owners of the aforementioned area have been reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Benevento. Furthermore, since the aforementioned areas are located in an agricultural area, upon authorization from the Judicial Authority, personnel from the Regional Environmental Protection Agency – Provincial Department will be appointed of Benevento in order to carry out inspections and technical assessments aimed at establishing the extent of any damage to the environment and public health.

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