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Speed ​​cameras, meeting in the Prefecture in Naples

A new meeting of the Technical Secretariat of the Observatory for the monitoring and planning of interventions on road accidents was held this morning at the Government Palace, convened by the Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari.

At the meeting, aimed at a specific focus on the new provisions adopted by decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior, of 11 April, on the methods of placement and use of speed control devices (so-called speed cameras) the owner bodies (Metropolitan City, Municipalities and ANAS) of the road network of the metropolitan area on which the authorized fixed speed cameras and the mobile ones used by the local police are located, as well as the Director of the local Section of the Traffic Police, representatives of the provincial command of the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the ANCI Campania.

During the meeting, the Mayors and managing bodies involved were invited to arrange, in a short time, a survey of the systems in use to verify their compliance with the technical requirements dictated by the new guidelines contained in the aforementioned interministerial decree and to communicate to the Prefecture the adaptation of the equipment has taken place.

The aforementioned bodies were also invited to proceed with a reclassification of the roads under their jurisdiction and the speed limits set, in order to subsequently be able to process any new requests for authorizations for the placement of speed cameras, which will be examined during the Permanent Provincial Conference. .

The Director of the Naples Traffic Police Section invited the participating Municipalities to also evaluate the installation, on their territory, of raised pedestrian crossings which can constitute a deterrent to excessive speed where it will no longer be possible to install new devices.

The prefectural table will continue to monitor the planned verification and adaptation activities.

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