immediately collected signatures for a referendum against differentiated autonomy

CATANZARO «The centre-right’s poorly concealed blitz on Parliament has sadly confirmed the multiple reasons that have pushed us, in recent months, to say a strong No to a highly divisive and unpopular reform such as that of differentiated autonomy». Thus in a joint note Giusy Iemma, deputy mayor and president of the PD regional assembly, Fabio Celia, leader of the PD group with the dems Igea Caviano, city councilor, and Marina Mongiardo, councilor.
«The scenes of jubilation that took place between the seats of the Chamber, where someone shamelessly even showed off a flag of the Calabria Region, ended up further worsening the distances with the opposition forces who harshly contested, in method and substance, the “splits Italy”. A plan – continue the Catanzaro Dem exponents – which has fueled unnecessary conflicts between North and South and which will not bring any visible benefit for many Regions which, beyond political colours, have expressed their dissent against the “secession of the rich”” .
The Democratic Party immediately “supported the need to start collecting signatures to call a referendum and give all Italians the opportunity to express their opinion on this reform. Certainly, from the wave of declarations and replies that followed one another, a rating of approval that was not entirely homogeneous emerged among the different voices of the majority. Perplexities and opposition that stand out even more if we look at the position – not free from evident contradictions – taken by those who hold top roles in the regional government and who contested the ways in which the law was approved. Now all that remains is to rely on the constitutional instruments to legitimately give the last word to the Italians: the Calabrian Democratic Party will strongly support this political and popular mobilization, to overturn the absurd seizure of power of a center-right that considers reforms as a bargaining chip ».

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