Sanremo, run-off, Berrino(FdI): “Coherence has allowed us to achieve the desired political results”

Sanremo, run-off, Berrino(FdI): “Coherence has allowed us to achieve the desired political results”
Sanremo, run-off, Berrino(FdI): “Coherence has allowed us to achieve the desired political results”

The choice of the former candidate Fulvio Fellegara to openly support the civic Alessandro Mager in the runoff against his rival Gianni Rolando sparked distinct reactions. Among these, also that of the senator by Fratelli d’Italia Gianni Berrinowho ranted as follows in a press release: “Consistency, this word has allowed our Party to achieve the political results that see us as the first party in Italy and the first party in the recent European elections. With coherence, transparency and unity of objective we supported the candidacy of Gianni Rolando as Mayor of Sanremo, we put our face to it and our electoral campaign was crystal clear on the roles and benefits that parties can give to an administration. We have heard repeatedly in recent months that the candidate Mager was an expression of civility, spokesperson for that silent part of the City of Sanremo that sees man far from the Palaces, as the only choice, since he is free from certain dynamics. Likewise, the PD candidate Fellegara distanced himself from the Biancheri administration and proposed an alternative choice to the Sanremo community, where programs and ideas were primary to power games. Less than 48 hours after the end of the electoral campaign, Mager and Fellegara showed what their method of administering Sanremo would be; good words but bad deeds. Brothers of Italy had long understood what would happen, we told and explained it to our voters and also to those who didn’t vote for us. We have witnessed political interference by other provincial first citizens, center-right political movements that have changed their dress to support Mager, the Democratic Party, ousted by Biancheri, who today supports Mager, launch attacks and accusations against the current administration and are now ready to closing deals just to go to the City government, a custom that the left has known for many years. We are consistent as from day one ‘we are here and we will be there’, Mager and Fellagara are inconsistent ‘they have been and will be’. Sanremo voters, take note of what is happening because this is only the beginning; On Sunday and Monday you have the possibility to choose coherence or inconsistency, because the seriousness of people is judged by words and deeds and the Mager/Fellegara marriage is the demonstration that the desire for power is a quality that both candidates have always carry you with you.”

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