Autonomy causes divisions in the League to explode again. «In Calabria too many foolish servants»

Autonomy causes divisions in the League to explode again. «In Calabria too many foolish servants»
Autonomy causes divisions in the League to explode again. «In Calabria too many foolish servants»

CATANZARO Calabria torment for Matteo Salvini’s League. The green light for the reform of differentiated autonomy in the Chamber seems to create a new front of intense laceration and internal division in the Calabrian Northern League, which also “held up” at the European elections, and also well, avoiding a collapse and consolidating the data of a party which is now consolidating itself in the South, albeit on not high percentages, compared to the North. Yesterday the distance between the parliamentarian’s attitude appeared plastic Simona Loizzowho waved the flag of the Calabria Region in the Chamber as a sign of jubilation for the approval of differentiated autonomy, receiving the applause of his colleague Domenico Furgiueleand the words of the president of the regional council Filippo Mancuso, who bluntly defined the reform as a “mess”, due to the lack of in-depth analysis of the returns on the territories, expressing doubts about certain scenes of jubilation in Montecitorio. A distance that can no longer be classified as a simple internal and local skirmish – Loizzo and Mancuso were candidates for the European Championships with the League, with Mancuso ultimately winning the territorial derby – but which is evidently symptomatic of the tensions that the League experiences, a Rome as in Calabria.

«Paper sings»

Interviewed on the sidelines of an initiative in the Cittadella, Filippo Mancuso uses less abrupt tones compared to yesterday’s note but the merit remains the same: «The differentiated autonomy – highlights Mancuso – was approved too quickly. We in the Regional Council had already decided – as they say, carta canta – with a document approved in the Regional Council which says “differentiated autonomy is fine, it is an opportunity for Calabria and for the South, but we must pay attention to the matters where there is no funding for the determination of the Lep” and we wanted an adequate study to be done to understand the impact on our territories. This is what we asked. The criticism lies in the speed with which the law was approved without also evaluating the requests that came from Calabria. But I think that our parliamentarians will monitor this, we have time to present amendments or changes to the law.” As for the Calabrian flag waved in the Chamber, Mancuso observes: «Allow me a little criticism, I think we are in a democracy, I would have liked to see the flag waving when the 3 billion were allocated for State Road 106 because it represents a great result, I would have liked to see the Calabrian flag waving when they financed the completion of the works on the Serre crossroads. Here, we must be happy with these things, with seeing our banner because we have been respected and our needs are met. In this case, allow me a small criticism, we are in a democracy. And I I think I’m a free man: I was born free and I think I will die free.”

Parliamentarian Loizzo waves the Calabrian flag in the Chamber

«In Calabria too many foolish servants»

A “strong” concept, this ending cited by Mancuso, which is linked to what Mancuso himself said in an article reported today by “”. In the report by Lorenzo De Cicco, entitled “Autonomy, the League now risks a big bang in Calabria: ‘With Salvini too many foolish servants’”, “” writes: «The Northern League supporters uncork the prosecco, prepare the “autonomy celebration” tomorrow in Montecchio Maggiore, in the Vicenza area, with Salvini and Zaia. But in Calabria Alberto da Giussano’s broadsword party risks the Big Bang. Because the Calderoli reform, just approved by the Chamber, after the Senate, and therefore a national law, is welcomed at the tip of the country with a mixture of frustration and recriminations towards via Bellerio. And to say that Calabria, where Salvini sent the loyal Claudio Durigon as commissioner in February, is the southern region where the Northern League did best in the last European Championships: 9.19%. … Nevertheless autonomy risks becoming a big problem for the deputy prime minister. The first to expose himself was the president of the regional council, an iron league member, in theory: Filippo Mancuso. Beyond his institutional credentials, he was the champion of the League’s preferences in Calabria: 22 thousand personal votes in the polls of 8 and 9 June. Roberto Vannacci’s triple in the region, so to speak. Yet – continues “” – Mancuso speaks of autonomy as a “mess that is difficult even to decipher”, of a text that “certainly is not in line with the real needs of the South”, in short of a good “plume”. for Northerners. Contacted by Repubblica, he continues to regret: “We didn’t even have time to discuss things with Salvini, seeing as they accelerated in the Chamber.” On fellow members of the League, such as the Honorable Simona Loizzo, who waved the Calabrian flag in the Montecitorio chamber, Mancuso reacts as follows: “There are many foolish servants”. The fracture is deepening. The Northern League-Calabrian delegation in the Chamber, which includes the deputy group leader Domenico Furgiuele, seems to be holding the Capo’s line. But in the territories the party risks exploding. In the article, “” adds: «For months, precisely because of the preliminary tantrums about autonomy, in Calabria there has been talk of a possible stampede from the League, headed by Forza Italia. And now Mancuso does not rule out a possible farewell: “It is possible that they will kick me out, after what I said. But honestly, it’s not the first of my problems.” This is the climate.” According to Calabrian centre-right sources, 4-5 regional councilors out of the 6 members of the League are in agreement with Mancuso, that is, against the bill on differentiated autonomy approved the day before yesterday. In short, if Durigon fails to mend the rift, the party risks almost disappearing in the Regional Council. “Am I enthusiastic about this law? No. I don’t party,” he admits Pietro Molinaro, another councilor of the League in the Calabria region. “As a Council we had voted on a document that asked for corrections and insights. I hope that the government will now be able to manage them.” Will there be moves from the League? “I don’t think so, I haven’t heard any rumors to that effect. Then in politics, never say never.” (a. cant.)

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