State Police of L’Aquila: extraordinary checks of the territory

State Police of L’Aquila: extraordinary checks of the territory
State Police of L’Aquila: extraordinary checks of the territory

L’AQUILA – Extraordinary checks by the police continue in the central areas of the city. Yesterday 19.06.2024 the State Police of L’Aquila, in a planned extraordinary control of the territory, also carried out with the help of the Crime Prevention Department of Pescara, searched the areas which in recent days were the scene of episodes of violence by very young non-EU citizens.

Numerous people were checked, 4 of those were accompanied to the Police Headquarters for checks, as a result of which 2, found to be minors, were sent back to the family home where they were staying, while another 2, adults of Tunisian and Moroccan nationality who were found to be irregular, were issued and notified of the order to leave the national territory within 7 days.

Furthermore, the careful investigation carried out by the Anti-Crime Division of the Police Headquarters, resulting from the results achieved in the services of recent days as well as from the arrests and complaints made following the 2 episodes of brawls in recent weeks, which occurred respectively in the Castle Park and at the Villa Comunale , were issued by the Police Commissioner, Dr. De Simone, n. 10 DACUR against as many young people, all of North African origin, who impose a ban on them from frequenting the areas covered by the disputed facts.

Finally, 3 Fogli di Via Obbligatori were notified, with a ban on return respectively to the Municipalities of Avezzano and Carsoli and for a period of 3 years, to 2 young women from the nomadic camps on the outskirts of Rome, who in recent days had made themselves responsible for crimes against property, and to an Italian, with a police record, tracked down while wandering in the Cavaliere plateau and reported for fraud.

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