Voices of Gaza – Oxfam: “96% of the population on the brink of famine. In Al-Mawasi the highest concentration of people without food and water”

Voices of Gaza – Oxfam: “96% of the population on the brink of famine. In Al-Mawasi the highest concentration of people without food and water”
Voices of Gaza – Oxfam: “96% of the population on the brink of famine. In Al-Mawasi the highest concentration of people without food and water”

In the Gaza Strip the humanitarian situation continues to worsen. This is confirmed by the data on hunger in the new report on Integrated Classification of Food Safety Phases (IPC) and the alarm raised by Oxfam, present in Gaza with various partners committed to ensuring meals and essential services for thousands of people. To Al-Mawasithe area defined as safe by the Israeli army, has the highest concentration of people in the world deprived of food and water.

“The data contained in the report testifies to the shameful failure of world leaders in dealing with the humanitarian emergency in Gaza: the many warnings that have arrived in recent months have not been listened to and above all nothing has been done to prevent Israel from using hunger as a weapon of war” he comments Paolo Pezzati, spokesperson for humanitarian crises for Oxfam Italia. “The consequences of the deliberate and cruel Israeli policy that deprives the Palestinian population of essential goods are unprecedented: at the moment 2.15 million people, approximately 96% of the population of Gaza suffers from acute malnutrition. In Al-Mawasi, declared a “safe zone” also for access to humanitarian aid, there is the highest concentration of people in the world left literally without food, water and sanitation. Only a few days ago we learned that two other children I am starved to death in Beit Lahiya. The death toll from lack of food and water is now 31 people. But these are not just numbers: they represent an unspeakable fate for many children and the mourning of their families. – adds Pezzati – In addition to food at this time too clean water is almost impossible to findaccelerating the spread of diseases.”

Hence a new appeal for a ceasefire. Every day that passes means more lives will be lost. There’s no more time. – concludes Pezzati – For this reason, we reiterate it once again: world leaders they must exert every possible form of diplomatic pressure on all parties to the conflict to agree to a permanent ceasefire. Immediately demanding that Israel allow the necessary aid to enter Gaza to prevent other Palestinian children from dying of hunger. It is also essential that distribution can take place safely within the Strip by removing all the restrictions and checkpoints that currently make it almost impossible”

THE PETITION – Oxfam has launched a petition (you can join here) for “stop all arms transfers, components and ammunition used to fuel the crisis in Gaza”. An appeal addressed to governments not to be “accomplices to the continuous violations of international lawfulfilling their legal obligations and ensuring a permanent ceasefire as soon as possible.”

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