Poaching fishermen identified and sanctioned

Poaching fishermen identified and sanctioned
Poaching fishermen identified and sanctioned

ANCONA – During the night they had identified a small suspicious boat, which was moving slowly near the cliff near the Cardeto Park. The operation of the Aeronaval Operations Department of the Guardia di Finanza of Ancona thus carried out the seizure of approximately 4,000 specimens of “sea urchins”, irregularly fished in the waters of the Conero Riviera. Fishing for the “sea urchin” is in fact prohibited throughout Italy in the months of May and June, to allow reproduction. Furthermore, sport fishing can be carried out without the aid of diving equipment (tanks), for a maximum of 50 specimens per person and the sale and marketing of the fished products is strictly prohibited, as they lack suitable documentation on their traceability and therefore potentially dangerous to public health.

After noticing the small vessel, the patrols on land were alerted and, after a long wait, they intercepted two poachers as they were preparing to return to shore with the “loot”. Administrative fines for a total of 4 thousand euros were imposed on violators and the cylinders used and the entire catch were seized. The urchins were therefore immediately thrown back into the sea, so as to ensure their survival and guarantee the repopulation of the seabed, also in consideration of the important task entrusted to these small animals in protecting the balance of the marine ecosystem.

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