Puteolana, “El Diablo” Marotta is the target for the attack

Puteolana, “El Diablo” Marotta is the target for the attack
Puteolana, “El Diablo” Marotta is the target for the attack

It could be the striker Alessandro Marotta the first purchase of the Puteolanaafter acquiring the title of series D of the Real Casalnuovo. A big hit in the family’s sights By Costanzowhich would lead to the slopes of the Solfatara a striker with more than five hundred professional appearances.

“El Diablo”, as Marotta is nicknamed, has in fact scored around one hundred and seventy goals, in what has been a wandering between teams all over Italy. However, he achieved his definitive consecration in the ranks of Benevento of the president Invigorated when with his nets in the season 15/16 allowed the witches to reach the serie B.

From there, then Siena, Catania, Vicenza, Juventus Stabia, Modena, Viterbo It is again Benevento where he served, after a short stay in Giuglianoin the last year. Here he has collected 22 appearances with 2 goals against the yellow and blues of the president Mazzamauro e PicernoAnd it is precisely to the Benevento club that Marotta is tied by a contract that expires next year.

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