Telesca, Smaldone and Giuzio challenge the Northern League member by entering into the merits of the debate and take sides. Mayoral candidate Fanelli prefers not to speak. In the CDX the pergola prevails over politics

Differentiated autonomy is state law. As expected, the issue breaks out in the electoral campaign of the City of Potenza. Potenza, as is known, is the only capital of the Southern Region with a mayor representing the League and who is re-nominating a Northern League member for the position of mayor. Differentiated autonomy has always been one of the symbolic battles of the League since it still had the North in its name. It was absolutely normal and predictable that it could not be kept quiet during the election campaign. Beyond the merits, we love the electoral campaign when it moves around talking about politics and not when it ends in gossip and attacks on people, which is why we can only find it positive that we are starting to talk about politics.


«Today is a sad day for Italy, for the South and for Potenza. The differentiated autonomy desired by the Northern League, which still wants to keep the capital tied, is all contained in this thought of its leader. To prevent this from happening, together, we will fight! Vincenzo Telesca writes thus on his Facebook profile, sharing his phrase with the video of Matteo Salvini who says that he wants Venetian masters for Veneto and Piedmontese masters for Piedmont, concluding with the North first. Not least Pierluigi Smaldone. He also entrusts his evaluation to Facebook. On his profile, the mayoral candidate who has just concluded the political agreement in support of Telesca writes: «Covered by the darkness of darkness, the majority in the Government has decided to definitively approve the differentiated autonomy in the Chamber, the bill wanted by the League which condemns the South and the areas most in difficulty of the country to worsen their conditions regarding education, transport, the environment and 23 other subjects. We have already seen how giving the Regions autonomy over the management of healthcare has led to its collapse. That same League that planned this silent secession, that administered our city for 5 years and that managed healthcare in the Region, today would still like to administer our city to complete the work of destruction of the South, of the country and of the rights of every citizen. The irony of fate is that the same candidate for Mayor of Potenza is the one who has just finished working at the regional Health Department. The consequences are there for all to see. How can the city be returned to the League? This is why with Vincenzo Telesca, Francesco Giuzio and with your help we must rise up first in Potenza, as our history teaches us, and stem the League’s wicked plan to divide Italy to shreds. Let’s take back the city, let’s take back the capital and show Italy that it is possible to reunite and pacify the Center Left for the good of Potenza, the South and the whole of Italy.” Clear political positions in which a political vision emerges to be proposed as one’s own to voters and citizens. A nice leap in quality in the electoral debate in which we finally start talking about politics. If politics is the confrontation between ideas, visions of the world and of society, this position is an exquisitely political position.


We cannot say the same regarding Francesco Fanelli. The Northern League candidate prefers silence on the issue. He intervenes neither to defend nor to dismantle differentiated autonomy. He acts as if political issues are not his responsibility. He does not intervene independently and does not reply when his party and he himself are brought into question by Telesca and Smaldone. On the other hand, the Facebook pages of centre-right militants and sympathizers but also the Next Generation Basilicata telegram channel are full of references, photographs, allusions to the structure that Telesca created on the roof of his apartment. Frankly we would have expected more. An outgoing administration running for office again raising a controversy over a work duly authorized by the administration itself is absolutely irrational. But, above all, for how long do we intend to keep a camera perpetually pointed at Vincenzo Telesca’s house to show that construction? Is this all Fanelli’s political proposal? We would have liked the League’s Mayoral Candidate to say something about differentiated autonomy, to try to explain the reasons for his party, the benefits it could bring to our territory. Differentiated autonomy is not a matter detached and distant from the life of each of us. It is a matter that concerns all of us and also concerns the Mayor of Potenza, whoever he may be. Is it possible that he doesn’t mean to talk about it. For an entire electoral campaign the center-right repeated that one of the reasons for voting for Fanelli is to ensure a city government close to the national government. It is also a plausible political motivation, we all know how much having the closeness of the national government changes for a community. What we don’t find normal is that people don’t then take the field to defend the positions of their Government and their Party. We long for the comparison between political positions without opposition and personal hatred. Telesca and Smaldone are doing it, when will Fanelli start doing it too? Only a few days left, we don’t lose hope.

By Massimo Dellapenna

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