“Habitus” tender, defined as the agreement between the Municipality and Siena Casa Spa

“Habitus” tender, defined as the agreement between the Municipality and Siena Casa Spa
“Habitus” tender, defined as the agreement between the Municipality and Siena Casa Spa

The Municipality of Siena and Siena Casa Spa have defined the collaboration agreement to regulate the activities necessary for the implementation of the projects with which the financing of 99,990 euros from the “Habitus” tender of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation was obtained. This contribution will be supplemented by the additional sum of 33,330 euros (corresponding to 25 percent of the expenditure) from the municipal budget.

This was decided by the municipal council which met today, Thursday 20 June, on the proposal of housing policy councilor Micaela Papi. Thanks to these resources, redevelopment interventions will be carried out on the public residential building stock (ERP) in the municipal area.

The Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, to contribute to combating housing hardship in the province of Siena through an increase in public residential housing available in the area, published the “Habitus” tender last November. This tender provided for a fund of 200 thousand euros in total to finance building interventions (ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, renovation) on municipally owned housing units belonging to the public residential building stock (ERP) which, precisely due to the need for interventions, were currently unavailable for assignment.

The specifications of the announcement required a minimum co-financing of 25 percent (calculated on the overall cost) to be paid by the applicant body or other co-financiers. Last January 18, the municipal council approved the technical and economic feasibility projects, drawn up by the subsidiary Siena Casa Spa, relating to the works to be carried out in twelve Erp apartments. The following day, 19 January, the application to participate in the “Habitus” tender was submitted.

In order to use the financing obtained, it is necessary to develop the technical and economic feasibility projects at an executive level, contract out the works, verify their regular and correct execution and conclude them within a reasonable and adequate time to deal with the existing housing problems. For this reason, the Municipality of Siena and Siena Casa have defined the collaboration agreement to regulate the activities necessary for the realization of the projects.

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