Caserta, Ex Macrico, Puc puzzle and services conference: «Guarantees on the Field»

Caserta, Ex Macrico, Puc puzzle and services conference: «Guarantees on the Field»
Caserta, Ex Macrico, Puc puzzle and services conference: «Guarantees on the Field»

With the motto: “Do you want the Macrico open? Come and open it!”, He was held yesterday afternoon, in the Diocesan library Of Casertathe meeting with the citizenship promoted by the Committee “from Macrico to Campo di pace”. The assembly was well attended and representatives of the Casa Fratelli Tutti Foundation were also present. Two concerns emerged from the meeting. The first is linked to the judicial events that involved the administration and the other to the urban destination of the area in which the former Macrico is included.

Let’s go in order. It will have to be held on July 2nd service conferenceloudly requested by the citizens, as established in the preparatory meeting, on Campo Laudato si’. The Rup should have been the manager Francesco Biondi who has been under house arrest for a few days and therefore will not be able to be there. The fear is that the services conference could be postponed, an awaited appointment for which there had been even more gatherings 800 signatures. The second is linked toabsence of the Puc and the new regional law on urban planning. «The law approved – they say from Committee – responds to an overall strategy that encourages private intervention in construction and non-participatory concertation between public and private, a strategy to which the national housing decree and the third sector reform also respond. The principle of sizing between migratory balance and urban planning load is no longer valid, the principle of demolishing and rebuilding for the purposes of the famous urban/energy regeneration is strengthened, the principle of openness to private/foreign investments is strengthened”.

Planning standards, for example i 9 m2 of greenery per person, become a mere quantitative reading, lose value and are monetised: if the private sector does not respect them, it converts them into money and/or into public utility equipment. This strategy does not protect the ecosystem, facilitates changes of urban destination and the increase in urban planning load, encourages gentrification, i.e. the exodus of residents towards the outside of the city to make room, inside, for hospitality investments/ tourist/economic”. The fear is that the Puc will become a chimera.

«Already the 2004 law – they continue – provided that the Puc was composed of Structural Plan (of a strategic and long-term nature, containing the objectives and guidelines for the sustainable development of the territory, constraints and natural and cultural resources) and by Operational Plan (containing the parts of transformations that can be implemented with Pua, building permits, building sectors and related implementation rules), providing for a close connection between the two plans. This connection is missing today: municipalities can make a Puc having only the building regulations according to the technical implementation standard and a generic Structural Plan. They can then make Operational Plans subsequently, in consultation with private individuals. With this, they have the right to keep the Structural Plan on a very generic level. Having separated the two planning documents also further allows private individuals to propose independent building plans”.

In total trust towards Foundation and towards the Church of Caserta, the fear expressed is that problems may arise if the destination of the area where the former Macrico is located is not defined, once and for all and in a clear and unequivocal manner. What is guaranteed today by the bishop’s Manifesto, by the Casa Fratelli tutti Foundation and by the diocesan clergy support institute, without a definitive urban destination could in the future, perhaps distant but yet to come, become something else.

Then the call to participation. Campo Laudato opens on weekend mornings, the Church of Caserta has taken steps to have the first quadrant cleaned and made safe, but a hand must be given so that the visits and the permanence of the citizens are also guaranteed by the presence of women and men willing to donate a little of their time for a common achievement. «Thanks to the work of the Church of Caserta – it was said by the Committee -, on Saturdays and Sunday mornings a quadrant of the former Macrico is usable, and can already be experienced by the citizens. Now it is up to us to make this great step forward possible by helping to keep the area open, but above all to keep it alive, with initiatives and moments of participation. We will organize ourselves to support the openings of Campo Laudato si’ and we will update ourselves on the work we are doing in the city to ensure that the regeneration of the former Macrico is transparent, democratic and participatory”.


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