Post flood. “Rethink”, the participatory path wanted by the ER Region to involve communities affected by landslides and floods starts from Faenza

Post flood. “Rethink”, the participatory path wanted by the ER Region to involve communities affected by landslides and floods starts from Faenza
Post flood. “Rethink”, the participatory path wanted by the ER Region to involve communities affected by landslides and floods starts from Faenza

“Ripensa” started today in Faenza, the participation process desired by the Emilia-Romagna Region to continue and strengthen the active involvement of local communities affected or otherwise affected by the events of May 2023.

“Ripensa” is part of the development of the Special Reconstruction Plan, the update of which will be approved by the Extraordinary Commissioner Figliuolo in the coming weeks.

At the first presentation meeting of the initiative, introduction to the contents of the Special plan and presentation of the appointment calendarthe vice president of the Emilia-Romagna region with responsibility for Civil Protection, Irene Priolo, the mayor of Faenza, Massimo Isola, the president of the Province of Ravenna, Michele de Pascale, the mayor of Modigliana Jader Dardi representing the Province of Forlì, spoke. -Cesena, and Marco Monesi, who provides political support to the Metropolitan Mayor of Bologna for the coordination of post-flood reconstruction.

Together with them, General Fabrizio Mari of the commissioner structure, Andrea Colombo director of the Po River District Basin Authority, who illustrated the contents of the Plan and Giancarlo Gusmaroli who presented the “Ripensa” path as technical contact.

“We strongly wanted a connection to be created with the territories which, from the first moment, had asked us to share the work we are carrying out with the commissioner structure – Priolo commented -. This sequence of meetings, which will take place between summer and autumn, will allow us to continue a discussion that has never been lackingfrom the first hours after the flood, and which today will guarantee the communities greater transparency in the management of the delicate phase of reconstruction of the territory”.

“The topics explored and discussed ranged from the broader ones of legal reference framework and technical-scientific approach on integrated flood risk management, hydromorphological dynamics and landslidesto the more specific ones relating to causes of the May 2023 event and to the strategic lines of intervention that the authorities are examining for the mitigation andadaptation of risk arising from events. Particular attention was paid to identifying permanent methods of active involvement of affected communitieswhich will accompany the implementation and updating phases of the Special Plan” explain from the ER Region.

The participatory process is aimed at territorial representations at regional level and provincial of the recognized associations and organizations representing environmental, territorial and socio-economic interests, including those adhering to the Pact for Work and the Climate as well as the citizens’ committees which the regional administration has, from the first moment, listened to with numerous meetings at the regional headquarters and in the territories.

The proposed path is specifically aimed at sharing the contents of the Special Plan and collecting knowledge, requests and proposals useful for its improvement and permanent active participation with the aim of creating a place of constant discussion over time.

The participatory process has a public showcase on the PartecipAzioni portal of the Emilia-Romagna Regiondedicated to the paths of active involvement of stakeholders in the regional territory, where interested organizations can indicate their participation in the “Ripensa” project by filling out a short online form.

The reference web page is accessible at the following link:

For information, you can contact the technical-organizational secretariat of the project at the email: [email protected].

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