Good morning-Toro, now the summit with Cairo: Napoli is in a hurry

Good morning-Toro, now the summit with Cairo: Napoli is in a hurry
Good morning-Toro, now the summit with Cairo: Napoli is in a hurry

What a night, for Good morning. A night that lasted 14 days from June 15, Italy-Albania, to the 29th, Italy-Switzerland. In between, the matches against Spain and Croatia. Overall, a black hole of two weeks. Alessandro and the other Granata Bellanova found themselves in the same situation (perpetually closed, Raoul, by a Di Lorenzo appreciated only by Spalletti and the opponents): not even one presence at this European Championship that we will remember for the weakness of the Azzurri and for “the relational game”but also “perimeter”, illustrated in words by the coach before hitting a wall. But if Bellanova had flown to Germany in the wake of an excellent championship, but still entering the national team only at the last minute, Buongiorno had instead approached these European Championships with the credentials of a possible starter. But then Spalletti always left him at a standstill. And Alessandro, the protagonist he thought he would become, instead found himself living the tournament on the margins: four benches, one more uncomfortable than the other. The elimination thus proved to be the last blow for him, the definitive one. It really couldn’t have gone any worse, for Italy and for Buongiorno’s hopes. And from his point of view it certainly cannot be a consolation not to have participated in any way in this defeat in four acts.

“Vanoli and Torino need three moves to get to Europe”

Napoli pushes for Buongiorno: the details

Another match begins today. The ds of Napoli, Manna, is due to arrive in Milan. He will come back to talk to VagnatiWhile Of Lawrence a new confrontation with is in the pipeline Cairo. The latest offer from the Campania club amounts to 32 million plus bonuses or the possible loan with option of the Norwegian defender Ostigard, already sought by Torino in January and now not protected by Conte. Antonio wants Buongiorno in the heart of his (new) defense. He spoke to him on the phone, sent him a series of messages, he even met him in a restaurant in Turin shortly before Alessandro flew to Germany: “I’ve been following you for years, you know how much I appreciate you. In my Napoli you would certainly be a protagonist, we will set up a team capable of fighting for the top positions and with me you will improve even more”. And good morning? How did Alessandro react? He gave his availability, made him proud, struck by such esteem. As well as caressed by the salary proposals made by Manna to his agent (5 year contract with salary rising up to a ceiling between 3 and 3.5 million plus bonuses). An availability, however, which does not mean a blind yes already delivered to Napoli exclusively.

Toro-Raimondo: a yes is worth five million

Possible auction for Buongiorno

In recent weeks Cairo has repeated that “not having put Alessandro on the market. In fact, I would be happy if he stayed”. But in the meantime he hopes that other potential buyers will now come to the surface, who have been dormant until now precisely because the defender was at the European Championships. Not so much Inter (Alessandro’s first choice, on paper) or Milan (both clubs do not have the liquidity necessary to compete with Napoli), but foreign clubs, with a specific focus on the Premier League: an interest that also emanates from the maneuvers put in place by the center-back’s agent. An auction is convenient for Cairo, ça va sans dire, while an English club registered in a European Cup would also be tempting for Buongiorno, indeed. And this is Napoli’s great fear, Conte’s great fear: De Laurentiis and company fear overtaking on the right with the lights off.

Turin, market summit between Cairo and Buongiorno

Beyond Napoli’s undoubted need to concretely strengthen their defensive package, the quick hiring of Buongiorno would also acquire significant value in terms of image for De Laurentiis and Conte, with a positive general effect on the market. We can imagine what Cairo’s comment could be at this point: if in Naples they are in such a hurry to buy him then they should pay the right price, because time also has a price. Impeccable position, if you put yourself in the shoes of a seller. And Torino’s request has not changed at the moment: 45 million (40 cash plus 5 bonus? Possible). Any counterparts to Ostigard to reduce the figure? No: the granata club intends to consider only cash offers. To date, until proven otherwise, this is the case. In these first days of the week Buongiorno will speak on the phone with Vanoli, after the exchange of messages between the two when Alessandro was still in Germany. A key summit with Cairo is also at stake, in person in Milan or via video call: it will depend on the president’s commitments. Cairo and Buongiorno have a good relationship and now they will evaluate together how to manage Napoli’s attacks, we already know. Of that Naples that is in a hurry, of that Naples that fears bad surprises.


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