Hot emergency, services to the city

The municipal administration also participated, with the councilor for Social Services Gabriella Ficocelli, at the information meeting and the organized press conference from the ASL of Taranto to systematize and disseminate the guidelines to deal with the heat emergency.

There Civil protection the regional government, in fact, informed citizens that the arrival of very high temperatures (they could reach peaks between 34 and 37 degrees) will determine a thermal increase in our Region especially in the next few hours, a circumstance which has led the Ministry of Health to issue level 2 for tomorrow, Thursday 20 June.

«Following what is being foreseen – they explain from Palazzo di Città – we dewould like to highlight the advice and prescriptions disseminated by the local health authority of Taranto and all the support activities that the Melucci administration carries out in favor of those without a family network and the homeless through the contracted services and the volunteer teams of the Associations. The interventions which will be intensified on the days in which temperatures will record a significant increase are the following: Social emergency response (Pis) and social housing managed by the Noi e Voi Cooperative, interventions following reports from social services, municipal police or law enforcement agencies provide assistance and help to the homeless to deal with emergency situations due to the heat of these days; Low Threshold Center managed by the Emmanuel Community, via Pupino 1, open every day from 8.30 to 13.00 and in the afternoon from 15.30 to 19.30, Saturday from 8.30 to 14.00 provides clothing, breakfast, shower, interviews of knowledge for any other requests and opportunities;

Canteens for the needy and Caritas dormitory, meals and refreshments are provided to the most needy; Meal delivered to home for seniors for those who are alone and in difficult conditions (the Solidarity and Work Cooperative takes care of this).

Also noteworthy is the great work of Volunteers of the Civil Protection, Italian Red Cross, of Abfo, of the Cooperativa Isola, and other associations that are involved in the city with their activities to help those who prefer to sleep outdoors, instead of using the reception centres”.

Councilor Ficocelli, in reiterating that «the administration led by Mayor Melucci always maintains high attention towards those in need of greater protection» intended to thank «the Local Health Authority of Taranto in the person of the General Director, Vito Gregorio Colacicco, and all its collaborators, the Third Sector Associations and Cooperatives that help us to better deal with situations of poverty, the Social Services Directorate, administrative employees, social workers, psychologists, always committed to the activation of services and proximity activities”.

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