Abortion in the Marche, the dem councilor against the council: “Go arm in arm with the no-choice”. And the pro-194 associations protest in the Chamber

Abortion in the Marche, the dem councilor against the council: “Go arm in arm with the no-choice”. And the pro-194 associations protest in the Chamber
Abortion in the Marche, the dem councilor against the council: “Go arm in arm with the no-choice”. And the pro-194 associations protest in the Chamber

Back and forth in the Regional Council between a councilor from the Marche, the dem Manuela Boraand the Health Councilor, Philip Saltamartini, elected as a League member. The topic of discussion is the right to abortion in a region, the Marche, which, as highlighted by an investigation by ilfattoquotidiano.it, is still behind in terms of the possibility of full application of law 194with conscientious objection reaching almost 100% and obstacles to medical abortion.

The PD councilor defined the government’s “opening the doors of public counseling centers to pro-life, no-choice associations” as an “ideological and legislative force” in converting the decree Pnrr. The junta, he attacked, goes “hand in hand with the anti-abortion movements” and “has always implemented a conservative policy, backtracking on women’s rights”. Saltamartini, for his part, reiterated the Region’s desire to “fully apply 194“, while supporting the regional and national decisions that open the doors of the clinics to pro-lifers: “After the approval of the law, requests for access to these structures arrived and the offices were asked to start a procedure in this regard.” For this reason, he specified, the Region has established a special “Regional Birth Path Committee made up of managers and professionals in the sector”.

Councilor Bora who said “disgusted” from the words of Saltamartini: “Today you confirmed to us that your supply chain is willing to do anything in order to make vulgar propaganda about women’s bodies – attacked the dem – Favoring private entities that could influence and stigmatize women’s free choice represents a limitation of their right to self-determination”.

During the Regional Council, meanwhile, associations and unions displayed a banner from the stands to protest against the ideas of the arrived on 194: “Parenthood is a choice, abortion is a right.” Associations and movements, such as the feminist network +194 Marche, Agedo (Association of parents, relatives, friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, + people), Pro-Choice Rica, Aiga (Association of pro-abortion gynecologists and gynecologists) , Agite (Association of Territorial Gynecologists), Aied (Italian Association for Demographic Education), CGIL, CISL, UIL and USB, also remained in garrison in front of the offices of the Regional Council.

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