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First he lights a fire, then attacks the local police officers

A quiet afternoon turned into an episode of violence when yesterday, at 4.10 pm, a Local Police patrol noticed some black smoke coming from a garage in the western area of ​​the city. The officers, during their usual control of the territory, immediately took action to intervene. Inside private property, they located a man who had lit an illegal fire. When asked to immediately put out the flames and provide the documents, the man began insulting the officers and provided an incomplete identification cardwithout photograph.


In an attempt to obtain further documents and the subsequent invitation to follow them to the Command for correct identification, the man reacted violently, attacking the officers. During the fight, the policemen fell to the ground, but managed to immobilize the attacker and bring it to the Command. The man, a 40 year old of Romanian origins living in the Varese area but with a business in Brugheriowas reported pursuant to Articles 336 (violence and threats to a public official) and 337 (resistance) of the Criminal Code. The Public Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Ordinary Court of Monza has ordered the complaint at large. Furthermore, the man was fined a fine of €100 for violation of the Urban Police Regulation, which prohibits the lighting of fires.

The attack left one of the injured officers, who was treated at the emergency room in Monza and judged curable with a prognosis of five days. The same is the one who, the previous day, did his utmost to resuscitate a person found unconscious in a vehicle but unfortunately already deceased.

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