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“Ilaria Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”

“Ilaria Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”
“Ilaria Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”

Vittorio Feltri has done another one of his. Joining the social lynching carried out by other colleagues in the right-wing press such as Nicola Porro, who in recent days has fomented the public’s low instincts against Carola Rackete, “guilty” of not shaving her legs, the director of Il Giornale attacked Ilaria Salis for having shown off an outfit that in his opinion was not suitable for the role of MEP: “Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro, just the lowest thing you can imagine,” said the director of Il Giornale in a video published on the newspaper’s TikTok profile.

The photo that sparked right-wing commentators

Feltri’s metaphor was inspired by the photo of Salis herself together with the other new MEPs of the Green Left Alliance Mimmo Lucano and Carola Rackete at the European Parliament: an image shared by commentators and right-wingers with arguments that in many cases have nothing to do with political dialectics: the German activist and former captain of the Sea-Watch 3, repeatedly described by the vice-president of the council, Matteo Salvini, as a “German tick”, is criticized for her choice not to shave and for her clothing that is too “sporty”; the same treatment for the Italian teacher, who ended up at the center of controversy for the alleged 90 thousand euros that she should return for the illegal occupation of public housing.

Garnishing Ilaria Salis’s salary for occupations, Fratoianni: “We are beyond ridiculous”

On the matter, a motion by the Brothers of Italy was approved in the Lombardy Regional Council which asks President Attilio Fontana to seize Salis’s salary as an MEP until the debt is paid.

The mayor of Catanzaro: “We will take Feltri to court”

Returning to the words of Feltri, who is not new to such provocations, they have unleashed a very harsh reaction from the mayor of Catanzaro, Nicola Fiorita, who commented: “Vittorio Feltri, the true face of Padania. We will take him to court for his unacceptable insults to our city and for his racist phrases. These are the champions of differentiated autonomy. He should be ashamed and if he has a minimum of decency, he should apologize to Catanzaro and to the women who toil in bars and restaurants with great dignity. Ever more determined to resist the arrogance and bullying of the Padanians”.

“Vittorio Feltri’s statement regarding Ilaria Salis – comments Giusy Iemma, deputy mayor of Catanzaro and president of the PD regional assembly – described as ‘dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro’, outrages me greatly as a woman, as a citizen of Catanzaro and representative of the Institutions. Extremely offensive comment based on negative stereotypes regarding both the maids and the women of Catanzaro. That of Mr. Feltri is a contemptuous and classist judgment, which does not take into account the dignity and value of the work of the maids and the cultural heritage. of civilization of the city of Catanzaro. Allow me to express pride in my city and in the professions that women carry out, including those in the service industry. The work of waitresses is honorable and worthy of respect like all the others I express strong solidarity with Ilaria Salis and I stand alongside the many women who have defended and will continue to defend their right to dress as they prefer without being judged on the basis of stereotypes or sexist comments.”

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