Brindisi: AVIS, blood collection on 22 June 2024

With the advent of the summer season, it is more essential than ever to remember that blood is a daily necessity in hospitals and that its availability depends completely on the generosity and civic sense of donors.

Also this year, with the start of the 2024 Youth Summer organized by the Salesian Oratory of Brindisi, an Extraordinary Blood Collection will be held on Saturday 22 June, at the Salesian Oratory (Via Appia, 195) of the “Sacred Heart” Parish of Jesus”, from 5.30pm to 9.30pm (last blood count).


To donate you must be in good health: not have had a fever and not have been in contact, in the last 14 days, with people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and who have tested POSITIVE or are IN DOUBT. You must weigh more than 50 kilos, not have taken medications (anti-inflammatories in the last 5 days, antibiotics and antihistamines in the last 15), not have had piercings or tattoos or undergone surgery in the last 4 months. It is necessary to have a correct lifestyle.


Saturday 22 June, from 5.30pm to 9.30pm

ATTENTION: before donating it is advisable to have a light lunch (a first course, a second course, a fruit, a coffee), excluding foods containing milk and its derivatives, fried foods, desserts with creams, alcohol and spirits. On the day before the donation it is advisable to drink plenty of water.


AVIS Municipality of Brindisi

Telephone: 37552827120831523232

Email: [email protected]

Private message to Facebook page: Avis Comunale di Brindisi ODV

Direct on Instagram: aviscomunalebrindisi

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