“Drought, critical situation after months without rain”

Viterbo – Talete invites users to use the resource wisely and the municipalities to raise awareness among citizens

Water – Tap open

Viterbo – We receive and publish – Drought: the point on the conditions of the service and the manager’s advice. The situation is critical and the fight against losses continues.

After months without rain, the province of Viterbo is facing a serious water crisis.

Salvatore Genova, sole director of the company, has repeatedly urged the mayors to remind their fellow citizens to make conscious use of the resource. Many have already approved ordinances to ban the use of water from the water supply system, with the exception of food, sanitation and drinking, until the crisis situation is resolved.

General weather and climate picture

This spring presented a rainfall deficit of 20% on the historical average of recent years, which was already significantly decreasing. A significant increase in temperatures is expected in the coming days, maximum values ​​that could reach extreme numbers.

In light of these data, Talete SpA is paying close attention to the monitoring of water resources.
The circumstances are serious throughout the managed territory.

In hilly areas and isolated settlements the situation is more delicate, with water supply systems fed by more superficial sources that are affected by rainfall deficits.

In recent days, our remote management systems have been recording peaks in consumption, especially in the morning and evening hours, which are certainly attributable to excessive use of the water resource for improper uses not permitted by the relevant legislation such as irrigation of vegetable gardens and watering. of gardens, as well as filling swimming pools.

All this causes a general lowering of the levels of the tanks serving the water networks with greater damage to the residential areas located at higher altitudes.

It should also be considered that water purification systems, although sized for normal consumption peaks, cannot guarantee coverage of the excess use described above.

Following the provisions issued by the various municipalities, Talete SpA renews a series of advice to citizens for a more rational use of water resources. From turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shampooing, to checking for leaks in personal toilets, to using fully loaded washing machines and dishwashers, to flushing toilets, to installing water filters in the taps, to the use of the shower instead of the bathtub.

Users must therefore also do their part.

Overcoming this situation of water stress requires a collective commitment from all the actors involved: manager, municipal administrations and citizens.

Municipal administrations are again invited to provide maximum collaboration to the manager for the dissemination of recommendations to citizens for the use of the resource and to activate all forms of control also provided for by their ordinances.

Collaboration and mutual trust are crucial for efficient and sustainable management of water resources especially in these periods of extreme and excessive weather events.

Talete Spa

June 19, 2024

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