Civitavecchia, the curtain rises: word to Castagnari, Mecozzi and Presutti

The season of Civitavecchia officially kicked off with the press conference called by the club, as canonically happens, in the Civitavecchia Port Company room. Three main actors; Patrizio Presutti, Massimo Mecozzi, Massimo Castagnari; the first two will be co-presidents of the black and blue association; Castagnari, of course, will coach the first team. “I decided to join Civitavecchia – says Massimo Mecozzi – because I was convinced by mutual friends, who also linked me to Patrizio Presutti. I don’t like competing to participate and this must be clear enough. It is a concept that applies to the first team and, for the youth sector. We care particularly about the black and blue nursery to the point that whoever is part of it, I’m talking about the players and therefore their families, will have important economic benefits competitive sports in 2024/2025”. The first analysis, in reference to the team to come, is by the person who brought a trophy back to Civitavecchia after an eternity: Massimo Castagnari. “Without the obligation of the Unders it will be a different championship, undoubtedly more complex. The market itself is telling us, given the reference parameters with which we must necessarily compare ourselves, that it will be like this. We are structuring ourselves to ensure that we face the season in a calm and obviously ambitious way. Civitavecchia’s shirt is heavy for everyone; it must be honored and respected to the maximum. of the past. Basically we will have to fight always and everywhere; we will be ready.” At the end, the speech of the president who with passion and sacrifice, including economic sacrifice, carries forward the mission of the historic black and blue club: Patrizio Presutti. “Thanks to Massimo Mecozzi we can move forward, guaranteeing a solid future for Civitavecchia that we all love here. Our youth sector is on the rise and will have, thanks to new tangible ideas, a further positive impulse. The first team will have its usual appeal. In recent years it has always been very competitive and will be so in the next too.” The question about the reconfirmation or otherwise of Manuel Vittorini is inevitable; the object of desire of many clubs; Pomezia, Lodigiani, Parioli, to name a few. “Manuel – concludes Presutti – is demonstrating that he wants to stay; we happily take note of this since our will is to place him at the heart of our attack”.

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