Hotel Vittoria Brescia conference of “Fraternità Sistemi” on the fiscal revolution in local authorities

Hotel Vittoria Brescia conference of “Fraternità Sistemi” on the fiscal revolution in local authorities
Hotel Vittoria Brescia conference of “Fraternità Sistemi” on the fiscal revolution in local authorities

Andrea Zenoni. President of the “Fraternità Sistemi” cooperative.

Brescia. Friday 21 June, the Brescia social cooperative “Systems Fraternity” organizes, at the Hotel Vittoria in Brescia, the conference on theme of the fiscal revolution which is affecting local authorities, after the tax reforms at the beginning of the year.
The meeting will be an opportunity to provide insights with industry experts. Numerous local authorities have already asked to participate, both from the province of Brescia and from Bergamo and Emilia Romagna, territories in which the Brescia cooperative operates, through job placements for the management of tax services.
Founded in 2003 in Brescia, Fraternità Sistemi, with headquarters in Brescia in via Rose di sotto 61, deals with job placements in the management of tax services.
“We are a reality – he writes Andrea Zenoni, President of the Cooperative – which has been investing in people and fiscal fairness in the territories in which it operates for 20 years. We were born in Brescia, but today we are present in 8 regions of Italy. In 2023 we worked in 169 Municipalities, Unions of Municipalities and private clients. Objectives of the conference – continues Andrea Zenoni – are the in-depth analysis of regulatory innovations, but also comparison and debate: that is, the aim is to create a space for discussion between participants and experts, encouraging the exchange of experiences and good
practices. We thus want to demonstrate a concrete commitment in supporting local authorities in their process of updating and complying with regulations, accompanying them on this path of growth and continuous improvement, for the benefit of the entire community”.

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