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New Council. In the end, in Forlì the mountain gave birth to a little mouse •

New Council. In the end, in Forlì the mountain gave birth to a little mouse •
New Council. In the end, in Forlì the mountain gave birth to a little mouse •

So, having reached Forlì: out of nine councilors three are external in the persons of Angelica Sansavini, Vittorio Cicognani and Luca Bartolini, the first two certainly technicians with certain, undisputed experience, the third only a politician with no proven ability and technical experience, therefore difficult to understand why he was honored with this position.
In summary, three councilors at Fratelli d’Italia: Vincenzo Bongiorno, Luca Bartolini and Emanuela Bassi, the latter miraculously recruited to the councilorship; two on Zattino’s La Civica list: Paola Casara and Kevin Bravi, a promising young man with great hopes that we hope will be fulfilled; one to Giuseppe Petetta for Forza Italia; finally, Andrea Cintorino of the League is once again councilor, a party which revealed itself during the negotiation only to be reluctant to resign itself to its own debacle from the exuberant “celodurism” of the past to the current, demeaning “celomoscism”. All these added to Cicognani and Sansavini, external technicians, appointed on the mayor’s recommendation: however, the mystery remains as to how to place Bartolini, not elected and now external councillor, it is not clear whether on the mayor’s proposal or due to who knows what entanglement that it makes a mysterious hybrid between the FdI-share manager and someone designated by the Lord through the inspired will of the re-elected mayor.

In the end, in Forlì the mountain gave birth to a little mouse. Montagna certainly cannot be defined as the arid mound of miserable political, administrative and, above all, civic thought, put up by the center-right of Forlì in the negotiations for the new council. The little mouse, come on, could also be there, if nice, clever, capable of doing his thing, but the one born in Forlì is a treacherous little mouse from the sewer, very voracious, only voracious, an effective representation of an equally greedy centre-right in order to please, perhaps even clumsily, all its different representatives, even mocking the voters, the value of their vote.

It is clear that the Zattini bis council, certainly of two-thirds political brand, despite the difficulty of understanding the attribution of the councilorship to Bartolini, satisfies the always looming city camarillas, the skilled “aprons”, omnipresent and active, even if only finally, secretly, a large part of the Catholic world, which in recent times has been the political interpreter of a clumsy vaudeville “Christian democracy”. The administrative responsibility of the city now rises, senselessly, even to those who, perpetrators of famous “crazy expenses”, have been saved only by the prescription, I repeat prescription, of the crime of aggravated fraud in which the Supreme Court had reclassified the previous crime of embezzlement , always referring to him: what an absolution for the piper, what a shining example for the young people of Forlì!

Underneath, but not so much because it is now an open secret in the negotiations for the junta, the role of the great hidden maneuver of those who in the shadows have woven a fine warp with his experience as a fine political transformist, at whose door the satraps of political power are knocking from Forlì looking for his viaticum. This is truly despicable, a shame for the political and democratic dignity of our Forlì, which also offends its popular vote. The next time I hear or read someone from Forlì, whoever they are, talking about disaffection with the vote I swear they will publicly discredit it: I can’t stand haphazard censors, perhaps unworthy of this role because they themselves are guilty of what they censored; they bring to mind the biting satire of the despicable censor, played by Alberto Sordi in the film Il Moralista.

Regarding the actions of the new council, especially a part of it, I want to keep my shotgun loaded with coarse salt ready, like that, a long time ago, of Decimo from the La Buttera farm in Capalbio against me and other bad boys, after the bath in sea ​​thieves of its succulent fruit: if hit, I discovered it the hard way, you feel an unbearable, unforgettable tingling on the lower back, which is certainly very unbecoming for the politician of any flag. Of course, don’t worry, mine is just a joke, but to put it in Andreotti’s words, “often as a joke, intentions that otherwise remain silent are revealed”. The curiosity remains to know the operational delegations assigned to each councilor: perhaps, there will be other surprises.

Franco D’Emilio

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