Maturity in Legnano. Mayor Radice’s wishes: “Get involved”. Video

The first test will be on Wednesday 19 June

Legnano – Even in Legnano there are hours of waiting for the hundreds of students who will take the first exam on Wednesday 19 June. For all of them they come the words of the mayor Lorenzo Radice who wants to make it known that the city “lto yours Legnano is with you these days… and after.

The advice that the mayor gives to students is to “put yourself on the line. Especially starting from tomorrow’s test, put into what you will say, what you will write, put yourself into it, not just the contents you have learned. This will serve you tomorrow, it will serve you in the next few days, but it will serve you in life. You must know – he then concluded – that your city, your Legnano, is with you in these days and afterwards, in whatever choice you make, whether you go on to study or start to face the challenges of the world of work.

High school graduates in Legnano schools

The data from Isis Bernocchi and the Barbara Melzi Institute are still missing from the appeal but, while waiting for the latest updates, it is already possible to draw statistics on the Legnano schools.

Private institutes:

Tirinnanzi Institute: the students admitted to the state exam are 28 (12 girls 16 boys), while the total number of students in the 2023/24 school year was 124 (51 girls and 74 boys). 121 have passed (among those admitted to the next class or to the state exams), while for 19 students the judgment remains pending pending, we hope, passing the remedial exams. 2 are not admitted.

Public schools:

Galileo Galilei High School: They will be 238 the students who will take the final exam (scientific high school: 124, scientific sports high school: 26, classical high school: 40, linguistic high school: 48. In total, in the last school year, 1198 students chose the high school in viale Gorizia and of them only 34 students did not finish the year with a positive result, a decrease compared to the previous year which saw 48 not admitted to subsequent classes. Looking ahead to next September, Galilei can count on 203 enrolled in classes first, not definitive data because it will be necessary to take into account the number of those admitted after the recovery tests in July and those not admitted who will opt for a second chance

Carlo Dell’Acqua Institute

For theWater Institute a distinction must be made between the different educational paths. At Economical Daytime will be the charge of 109 (3 students who did not pass the last ballot) to access the final exam. In general, 443 students concluded the school year with a positive result, 128 with suspended judgment, 13 with invalidity and 60 who were rejected. 35 they are the students of the artistic high school who will prove themselves in the final exam and in total 144 high school students passed, 54 were suspended, 3 were not admitted due to lack of validity and 14 had negative results.

Toto Traces

The 2024 Maturity exam will begin on Wednesday 19 June. It will start with the first written test which includes 7 ministerial tracks divided into 2 text analyses, 3 argumentative texts and 2 current affairs topics and, as every year, you don’t give up on “Toto Tracce”. According to i Titles could be inspired by anniversaries and important current events then to: Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Henry Kissinger: who was the American politician, a key figure of the twentieth century who died on 30 November 2023, Track on the Unification of Italy, Track for the 120th anniversary of Oppenheimer’s birth and on the ethical and moral limits of research scientific Track on the 70 years of Italian television, Artificial Intelligence, on the challenges and opportunities of an always connected future, 50 years since the divorce referendum, Influencer crisis: causes, consequences and future prospects, sport and the Olympics, mental health and Facebook .

Laura Defendi

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