Heat waves in Campania: critical issues starting tomorrow with maximum temperatures on 20 and 21 June. Here’s what to do

Heat waves in Campania: critical issues starting tomorrow with maximum temperatures on 20 and 21 June. Here’s what to do
Heat waves in Campania: critical issues starting tomorrow with maximum temperatures on 20 and 21 June. Here’s what to do

The Civil Protection Functional Center of the Campania Region, in consideration of the current weather situation, has issued a criticality warning for “Heat wave”: from 2 pm tomorrow, Wednesday 19 June 2024, and for a duration of approximately 66 hours , critical conditions may arise.

Maximum temperatures are expected which, especially on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June, may be higher than the seasonal average values ​​of 5÷6°C, associated with a humidity rate which, especially in the evening and night hours on the coastal sector, may exceed even 60÷70% and in conditions of poor ventilation.

The competent local authorities are invited to implement their own procedures relating to the supervision of vulnerable sections of the population. It is recommended not to go out during the hottest hours of the day, not to expose yourself to the sun or practice outdoor activities and to limit travel by car. Particular attention must be paid to heart patients, the elderly, children and those at risk. Always keep rooms properly ventilated. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking water. Also pay attention to pets.

Advice from family doctors

Heat alarm, the Fimmg family doctors: they have never faced similar temperatures, protecting themselves will be crucial: «For years now, in the summer we have received calls from our patients for heat stroke and other problems linked to the increase in temperatures, but we have never had to face heat like the one expected these days. We are very concerned about the effects that the expected highs, with temperatures perceived close to 40, may have. Not only elderly people, but everyone, should avoid going out during the hottest hours as much as possible and, in any case, facing long stretches in the sun.” It is a real hot alarm that was launched by Luigi Sparano and Corrado Calamaro (family doctors of Fimmg) in the face of the arrival of Minos, an anticyclone that is about to overwhelm Italy with record temperatures in almost all of the North, Center and the South.

In light of the weather forecast predicting an unprecedented heat wave, Fimmg family doctors are launching an appeal to the population, in particular elderly and frail people, to adopt precautionary measures to protect themselves and avoid having to go to the emergency room. «The great heat can represent a serious danger, especially for those who suffer from chronic pathologies or have a compromised immune system», Sparano and Calamaro clarify.

Family doctors have also developed a decalogue of practical advice to help the most vulnerable people better manage days of intense heat:

• Stay hydrated: Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid alcoholic, sugary or carbonated drinks.

• Avoid the hottest hours: Don’t go out or do physical activity during the hottest hours of the day, usually between 11:00 and 17:00.

• Wear light clothing: Use light, light-colored clothing made of natural fabrics such as cotton and linen, which allow better skin transpiration.

• Prefer cool environments: Spend as much time as possible in cool, ventilated environments. If necessary, use fans or air conditioners, making sure not to exaggerate the temperature difference compared to the outside.

• Light diet: Consume light meals, rich in fruit and vegetables, avoiding heavy and highly seasoned foods that increase the sensation of heat

• Cool down regularly: Take cool showers or baths to lower your body temperature. Alternatively, use damp cloths on your wrists, forehead, and neck.• Monitor your health: Watch for signs of dehydration or heat stroke, such as headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, or muscle cramps. If you experience any suspicious symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.

• Avoid direct exposure to the sun: Use wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and sunscreen with a high protection factor when going out.

• Plan activities: Organize daily activities so as to avoid the hottest hours and favor the early hours of the morning or evening.

• Assist the most fragile: Regularly check the health conditions of elderly or frail family members, friends or neighbors who live alone. Simple but fundamental tips for safely facing the next few weeks of intense heat.

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