Great success for the first two events of Gazzetta Incontra in Piazza Ghiaia

Great success for the first two events of Gazzetta Incontra in Piazza Ghiaia
Great success for the first two events of Gazzetta Incontra in Piazza Ghiaia

Great success for the first two events of “Gazzetta Incontra” in Piazza Ghiaia.

The debut of our event was entrusted to the deputy director Stefano Pileri who interviewed our columnist and writer Domenico Cacopardo – Knight of the Grand Cross of Merit of the Republic, former State Councilor, life member of the Board of the Aspen Institute Italia, today a novelist of success -, to Filiberto Molossi, deputy editor-in-chief of the «Gazzetta» and film critic, and to Roberto Longoni, always a leading reporter at the «Gazzetta», except for a brief parenthesis at «Panorama». The theme of this first meeting was “The profession of the journalist today”, an all-round reflection on the tradition of writing in print and the relationship with new media.

At 7pm, however, sport was discussed in the panel «The story of football: yesterday, today, tomorrow». Journalists Antonio Dipollina and Fabio Monti were interviewed by director Claudio Rinaldi.

Dipollina, who is the author of the column «Second Vision» in the pages of our Sunday newspaper, is a television critic, writer and blogger. For over twenty years he has edited the “Multischermo” column for “Repubblica” and for over thirty years “Schermaglie”, a similar weekly column dedicated to sport on TV. He is the author of volumes dedicated to sport and its protagonists.
Monti is another big name in Italian journalism. He worked at the «Gazzetta dello Sport», at the «Corriere dello Sport» and, for almost thirty years, at the «Corriere della Sera».

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