Bologna Transfer Market – Sartori’s words on Zirkzee and Calafiori

Bologna Transfer Market – Sartori’s words on Zirkzee and Calafiori
Bologna Transfer Market – Sartori’s words on Zirkzee and Calafiori

This evening there was The Grand Gala in Rimini on the occasion of the official opening of the transfer market. The technical director of Bologna was also present at the ceremony, John Sartoriwho spoke about the two hottest names in the rossoblù transfer market: Joshua Zirkzee e Riccardo Calafiori. These were his words with which he clarified how the two situations are slightly different from each other.

Saputo on Zirkzee: «He has a clause…»

The Joshua Zirkzee issue has been known for a long time, iThe Dutch striker’s future does not depend on Bologna. In fact, a new one is planned for Zirkzee 40 million euro release clause exercisable by anyone. Several teams have come forward in recent weeks, the only factor that is slowing down negotiations is linked to the crazy commission requests from Kia Joorabchian.

Sartori himself, aware of the situation, wanted to be very clear: «Unfortunately Zirkzee has a clause, so 99.9% of the time he will leave». There are different names that have been made to replace him, the director himself confirmed that there are negotiations underway: «We are already working to find a replacement. It won’t be easy but we already have some possible names».

Calafiori Question: «We will try to keep him»

The quotes of Riccardo Calafiori are growing, especially after the good performances provided at Euro 2024. Here too, many teams have come forward to negotiate the purchase of the rossoblù defender. In this case, however, the situation is different from that described for Zirkzee, in fact Sartori confirmed that Bologna can and would like to retain Calafiori.

Here too, the voices find confirmations in his words: «We only got him 12 months ago. We’ll see what happens, but our intention is to keep him. – the task could be very difficult, however – In case of important offers, we will take them into consideration». The director also gave an idea about the possible destination: «Juve? It’s more likely that they will go to a different market».


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