Macerata, De Padova against the administration: “Nothing has changed since 2020” – Picchio News

Macerata, De Padova against the administration: “Nothing has changed since 2020” – Picchio News
Macerata, De Padova against the administration: “Nothing has changed since 2020” – Picchio News

The councilor of the municipality of Macerata, Sabrina De Padova, expressed strong dissent towards the municipal administration and local political parties. After almost four years in office, De Padova denounced the lack of concrete decisions, the constant second thoughts and the short-sighted pleading of indefensible situations by his majority colleagues.

De Padova in fact explained that, despite his numerous reports and the subsequent transition to the mixed group, the local parties continue to follow directives without a real discussion between the councillors. According to the councilor, this situation led to one waste of public resources and to one little attention to citizens’ health.

In her outburst, the councilor wanted to remember that politicians were elected to serve the citizens and not to follow orders from above. “In Macerata it seems that time stopped in October 2020, with the current administration failing to bring about the hoped-for changes in various areas, from culture to safety. An example of this immobility are the numerous construction sites in the city, financed by the PNRR, but which have not led to the expected improvements”.

Among the public works that were delayed or never started, De Padova mentioned the fair center, the pool, the pedestrian underpass of Corso Cavour And the hospital. The councilor criticized the management of these projects, which are often postponed and subject to further municipal funding without the arrival of concrete results. De Padova also highlighted the inconsistent behavior of some majority parties such as Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Unione di Centro, who change position between statements to the press and votes in the city council, often due to political pressure or to maintain privileges. “This lack of political coherence has created widespread unease among councilors and led to numerous changes of political group.” He commented.

Another critical point raised by De Padova concerns the management of public fundsin particular those intended forSferisteri Associationor. Despite a significant municipal contribution, the association registered a loss in the balance sheetwhich the mayor tried to downplay, accusing De Padova of needlessly alarming citizens with his questions.

De Padova finally reflected on the role of councilors in the current political contextdefining it the era of “that’s what everyone does”. He expressed the desire to see greater coherence and competence in the management of the city, hoping that the last year of his mandate will lead to a real improvement for Macerata and to a decrease in the number of disillusioned and abstentionist citizens.

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