Delicate operation performed at the “Ruggi” in Salerno gives new life to a patient declared inoperable –

It started from “Ruggi” of Salerno there new life for Mrs. Antonellafrom Foggia, protagonist of a story full of courage, determination and hope.

Antonella was diagnosed with a inoperable meningioma and for years, unable to take the right path, amidst a thousand difficulties and various therapies, she groped in the dark and often found herself facing without satisfactory results an illness which, despite many attempts and continuous medical visits in disparate places, showed no signs of regressing. or to improve.

But determination, willpower and her great attachment to life allowed Antonella to look elsewhere and not give up, so the darkness of uncertainty that had accompanied her for years was pierced by the light of hope. Following a fortuitous report during a public demonstration in your town, in fact, you were given the name of the neurosurgeon Matteo De Notarisemployed by the UOC University Neurosurgical Clinic of the “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona” University Hospital in Salerno, directed by Professor Giorgio Iaconetta, who promptly, once contacted, agreed to visit the patient.

“Thanks to this meeting I had a second chance – declares the woman -. At ‘Ruggi’ I was given some extra time to share with my loved ones and I consider myself lucky and able to say with certainty that we must not give up in the face of difficulties and that hope must always be nourished and nurtured”.

The patient completely entrusted herself to Professor Iaconetta and Professor De Notaris, who together subjected her to a very demanding intervention with the help of latest generation technologies.

“We introduced a four-millimeter endoscope through the eyelid that has reached the deeper regions of the brain, preserving brain functions and removing the lesion therefore without affecting the nerves and without compromising the neighboring areas at risk of that specific brain area – explains De Notaris –. The histological examination finally gave a name to the lady’s pathology, it was a neuroma and not a meningiomaas she had previously been diagnosed with.”

“Our patient is finally well and is the spokesperson for a story of good health – declares Iaconetta – in our Neurosurgical Clinic we have the possibility of treating the most diverse pathologies and carrying out even the most technologically advanced interventions such as minimally invasive ones. In this specific case we are very happy to have been able to help Antonella, also thanks to the support of the Strategic Management which has always provided us with the suitable means to act and operate with competence and with cutting-edge methods”.

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