Conference at the Archaeological Park of Marsala

This is the event scheduled for Friday 21 June at 5.30 pm at the Lilibeo-Marsala Archaeological Park, in the ‘Maria Luisa Famà’ conference room of the Lilibeo Museum.
The PRIN ‘DIAPOH’ (Integrated approaches for the cataloguing, study and dissemination of tha Digital Iconographic Atlas of Privately Owned Hypogea of ​​Late Antique Italy) – UNIPA Department of Culture and Society, will be preliminarily presented.
thanks to which the study of the context will be in-depth.
This will be followed by a detailed description of the restoration work carried out thanks to the support of the “Friends of the Marsala Archaeological Park” Association on the mosaic floor of the South Cubicle of the Latomia dei Niccolini, which was finally recovered thanks to the 2×1000 granted to them.

After the structural failure of the floor level, in fact, the mosaic, a precious testimony of early Christian funerary art, presented a deep diagonal fracture, resulting in the loss of many mosaic tiles, which affected its reading. Further delay would have definitively compromised him. The funds obtained made it possible to carry out preliminary archaeological investigations (supervised by Alessandro Abrignani, Heracleia – Studio di Archeologia) and to prepare the restoration site (Angelina Castiglia, ProperArt Soc. Coop).

The photogrammetric surveys, carried out by Mauro Lo Brutto (UNIPA Engineering Department), the georadar investigations, conducted by Raffaele Martorana, and the archaeometric analyzes on the composition of the mortars, carried out by Giuseppe Montana (DiSTeM UNIPA), are valuable.
At the event, in the initial part, the following will intervene to report:
Emma Vitale and Maria Grazia Griffo, on “The DIAPOH project in the context of the collaboration between the Park and UNIPA” and Marco Correra and Andrea D’Agostino, on “The rediscovery of the Latomie: explorations and surveys”.

Following this, there will be a presentation of the restoration activities by the Friends of the Marsala Park Association and professor Violetta Isaia will speak on “The 2xmille, an unexpected resource for the protection of works of art”, the Director of the Archaeological Park , Anna Occhipinti, on “The desirable collaboration between public and private for the protection of the protected asset”, Alessandro Abrignani, who will discuss the topic “Preliminary archaeological study and activities”, Mauro Lo Brutto, who will speak on “The photogrammetric survey”, Raffaele Martorana, on “Georadar investigations” and Angelina Castiglia, on “The restoration intervention”.
Finally, in the ‘Ettore Gabrici’ Room, the inauguration of the exhibition “The ‘returned’ mosaic and the materials from the context” will be held.

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