Territorial medicine, there are many critical issues in Basilicata

“Territorial medicine continues to represent the weakest point of the health services to be guaranteed to citizens, especially the most vulnerable, both to create the health structures necessary for Territory/Hospital integration and to safeguard the right to health of citizen-users, and for the financial resources essential for hiring new medical, nursing and specialized staff”. Thus the regional secretaries of Basilicata of Uil, Vincenzo Tortorelli, UilFpl Antonio Guglielmi and UilPensionati Carmine Vaccaro reporting that the Welfare Department of Uil, led by the national secretary Santo Biondo, has developed an in-depth and very useful sector study from which the delays are clearly evident and the inadequacies in the implementation of the Pnrr Mission 6 Health interventions. In Basilicata – highlights the Uil study – 19 community houses are planned (1 for every 28,245 residents) by 2026; 5 Community Hospitals (1 for every 107,332 residents) by 2026; 6 Territorial Operations Centers (1 for every 89,443), only in this case by the end of this year. Lucanian healthcare – add Tortorelli, Guglielmi and Vaccaro – shows a complex picture characterized by many critical points regarding hospital facilities and local medicine. Therefore, for the Uil it is essential to intervene to relaunch the centrality of public health and to reduce waiting times, especially in diagnostic tests and the most urgent ones, as well as to improve the nurse/patient ratio and to speed up the time for the implementation of a territorial medicine that provides answers especially to the most vulnerable segments of the population. Taking into account that the new territorial health structures will have to be completed and put into operation by 2026, under penalty of the restitution of the assigned Pnrr resources, Uil, Uil Fpl and Uil Pensionati deem it essential to have an urgent discussion with President Bardi pending the composition of the new council.

For the Confederal Secretary of Uil Santo Biondo “on territorial medicine, the Government continues to keep the issue of economic resources hidden. In response to the publication of our report on Mission 6 of the Pnrr a few days ago, Agenas formalizes the guidelines for the implementation of the organizational model of Community Homes and Hospitals, however, once again failing to quantify the resources financial resources necessary for the hiring of healthcare personnel to be used in the operation of community homes and hospitals. Our analysis work – continues Biondo – has highlighted that, for this purpose, approximately 1.4 billion are needed to be allocated to the personnel of the sector (nurses, community nurses, OSS and support staff) to which the financing for the doctors. A sum very far – underlined Santo Biondo – from what was allocated by the Government by state law (considering that the Pnrr does not allow for the financing of hiring), which instead stands at 250 million euros for 2025 and 250 million euros for 2026. A figure which, if confirmed, would unfortunately establish the failure of Mission 6 Health”.

“Furthermore – continued the Uil trade unionist – the provision of family or community nurses constituted an important innovation, but the data today tell us that despite the Ministerial Decree 77 requiring 25/30 thousand of them in service, in Italy if they barely count 3000. Without any hiring of new staff, the risk could be to create the figure of the IFoC through a transfer of healthcare personnel from the hospital area to the territorial area. This is in total contrast with the objective announced by the Government of wanting to reduce waiting lists in healthcare. With the recent publication of the report in question, Uil has already widely represented that the specific Mission 6 Health lacks data and information regarding its implementation phase”. This is a negative element which – add Tortorelli, Guglielmi and Vaccaro – also concerns the Basilicata Region and specifically the Pnrr Mission Structure established at the Presidency of the Council which does not provide updated information on what is happening in the planning phase of the interventions and in the expenditure of the resources allocated to Basilicata (25 million euros).

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