Massimo Monni: “In the run-off I will vote for Vittoria Ferdinandi: she is intelligent, has enthusiasm and I believe in her decision-making autonomy”

Massimo Monni: “In the run-off I will vote for Vittoria Ferdinandi: she is intelligent, has enthusiasm and I believe in her decision-making autonomy”
Massimo Monni: “In the run-off I will vote for Vittoria Ferdinandi: she is intelligent, has enthusiasm and I believe in her decision-making autonomy”

The mayoral candidate for Perugia Deserves: “Mine is a personal choice, given the unsatisfactory result I decided not to make list comparisons and to leave the candidates free. We will move forward with our project focusing on the creation of a moderate and reformist center for the next regional elections”

(UNWEB) Perugia, – “I will vote Victoria Ferdinandi”. After reiterating that there is no indication of the vote for the candidates on the list Perugia deserves it who supported him in his electoral competition for mayor of Perugia – candidates left free to choose which of the two candidates on the ballot to direct their preference towards – Massimo Monni declares that he will vote for the mayoral candidate of the centre-left coalition, Vittoria Ferdinandi.

An orientation”entirely personal” that Monni communicated this morning during a meeting Press conference in which he explained the reasons for his choice: “I ran for mayor – said Monni – because I was dissatisfied with the management of our city by the Romizi administration. Above all, I think it is unacceptable that they are lost investments for over one hundred million euros and, consequently, many jobs that would have contributed to the economical progress of our city. We then want to talk about the drift of healthcare public and of failure to protect the city hospitalissues on which the mayor in office, who supports the candidate Margherita Scoccia, was totally absent?”. But the list was much longer, ranging from art, to safety, to traffic.

“For this reason – continued Monni – we have set in motion a central political project, moderate and reformistwhich saw our civic list Perugia Merita supported by PSI, Italia Viva And New Times – Popular Uniti, but the result was not satisfactory also due to the strong polarization of the vote. For this reason I did not make any comparisons and left the candidates free to act in full autonomy at the ballot. I would like to point out that before making this choice I was contacted by both Margherita Scoccia – who first proposed me a councilorship and then the vice mayor’s seat, both from Vittoria Ferdinandi who, with the utmost honesty, told me that he could not guarantee me anything. I say this to validate a choice that falls on the quality of the person that Vittoria Ferdinandi is: an intelligent woman, who has enthusiasm and decision-making ability, a woman who I believe has the strength to guarantee her autonomy in governing this city by keeping the parties at bay and asserting their ideas and their program. I don’t think she is capable of doing the same as Margherita Scoccia, whom I respect and esteem equally even if I believe that her candidacy is very conditioned by the colonels of the parties.”

Monni then focused on his political project: “We will move forward constructively in view of the next ones regional elections, convinced that it is possible to develop a reformist center capable of giving a moderate contribution to the Government of our Region. I won’t be on the front line but I will support those who believed in my challenge from the beginning. I thank the regional councilor Donatella PorziThe Socialist Party And Italia Viva who consistently continued to believe in me and in the project Perugia deserves it even when other people along the route got off the wagon frightened by the growing polarization that has driven voters to the right as well as the left.”

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