Degree in Medicine and Surgery in Treviso, here is the new location for the courses at the Fair | Today Treviso | News

TREVISO – A new headquarters in Treviso for students of the Medicine and Surgery degree courses at the University of Padua. Today, June 17th, at the Fair, the new spaces with over 300 seats for university students thanks to the synergy between the Veneto Region, the University and the Ulss 2 Marca Trevigiana.

The new headquarters in via Sant’Ambrogio 12, which will host the degree courses in Nursing, Medicine and Surgery and Dental Hygiene, it is made up of three classrooms dedicated to illustrious figures who have marked the history of medicine or linked to our territory, plus a Digital Lab with 58 PC stations to carry out innovative teaching through the numerous digital platforms available and an office for the course staff . This is the third center for the training of medical students in Treviso which adds to the historic headquarters in via Venier and the spaces made available to the Medical Association while waiting for the university campus of the Cittadella della Salute which should be ready for the end of 2025.

“This event marks a moment of great importance – stated the Magnificent Rector of the University of Padua . It is the result of an extraordinary synergy between the Veneto Region, the University of Padua and the Ulss 2 company. The new headquarters is certainly the key to confidently facing the complex challenges of the future because it is a concrete response to the growing demand for training in the healthcare sector, testimony to the quality of teaching, also given the introduction of the new Biomedical Laboratory Technicians course in the coming academic year. The history of Medicine is also made up of courageous and innovative choices by men and women who were able to question the knowledge acquired and we must remember this today when we are going to inaugurate spaces equipped with the most modern technologies to support innovative teaching, inclusive, which also reflects our University’s commitment to equitable education. This is a new hub that not only enriches our University, but also strengthens the link between academic knowledge and the needs of the territory.”

“Today we realize a dream that we have been chasing for many years. To get there we challenged the bureaucracy, we ended up before the Court of Auditors because someone considered the financing for this new headquarters illegitimate – declared the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia -. Currently in Veneto there are 3,500 doctors missing, so you guys represent a new generation, not only in age, but also in professionalism, which will be very different from a clinical point of view. You will face a digital world and you will have a patient who will be able to inform himself thanks to new technologies. I hope that you today’s students can truly govern this revolution because yours will be a profession that will change radically. I also hope that you decide to practice it in Veneto, where you find a healthcare system that provides 80 million healthcare services a year, 2 million emergency room visits, 64,000 employees of which 12,000 are doctors”.

“We have inaugurated some beautiful and functional classrooms which we wanted to dedicate to three illustrious figures from the area, among whom I would like to remember, in particular, the first woman to graduate in medicine, Ernestina Paper, given that currently our medical collaborators are 57% women. This title is dedicated to the Magnificent Rector of the University of Padua. The other two titles are dedicated to Gerolamo Fabrici D’Acquapendente, in honor of Medicine, and to Francesco Gera, as a representative of the union between medical science and valorisation of the territory, in homage to the President of the Region”, the words of the general director of Ulss 2, Francesco Benazzi. “In addition to asking students to be good professionals, I ask them to learn something that is not taught in classrooms: communication with the patient, care for the human relationship”.

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