Cosenza, the excellences of vascular neurosurgery compared

The equipment of the operating room robotic arm and that of a loop – xthe latest generation radiological device, like a watershed at the Annunziata Cosenza in the field of excellent neurosurgery, but what makes the difference is above all the acquisition of new skills in a particularly delicate branch, focused on brain pathologies. It is fundamental exchange of experiences and the analysis of specific case studies to enrich the range of knowledge, useful for expanding diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities.

Update needed

«It is extremely important that these meetings take place – he explains Salvatore Aiello, director of the Complex Neurosurgery Unit of the Bruzia Hospital – Performance in the ward improves, which is the objective of scientific comparisons. And also the updating with respect to the technological innovations available to make interventions more precise and less invasive”. For the fourth time Cosenza hosted the symposium on neuroanatomy promoted in the rooms of the medical association also under the aegis of the Mediterranean Neurological Institute of Isernia. Base camp for neurovascular anatomy the title of the appointment. A non-random choice: «The base camp, which is a mountaineering term, is the place where climbers come to talk about their experiences, draw conclusions and then manage to reach the summit of the mountain. This is the meaning of the congress: climbing the anatomical mountain, a basic condition for any medical professional – he commented Vinicius Valens, dean of neurosurgery and scientific director of the meeting – Technology? It is now indispensable. It allows us to reach the deepest structures of our brain without causing damage.”

Almost twenty thousand interventions

In Cosenza, progress in the neurosurgical sphere is demonstrated by the number of operations carried out in approximately thirty years of activity. The goal of twenty thousand performances is approaching. But the outcome is often linked to timing: reducing the interval between the critical event and arrival in the operating room makes the difference. The collaboration between the hospitals of Catanzaro and Cosenza, which involved the staff of the Radiology and Neurology operational units of Catanzaro and that of the Interventional Neuroradiology Operational Unit of Cosenza, represented a fundamental step in this sense: « No more parochialism. On the contrary, an overall strengthening allows us to enter national and international circuits and attract speakers of European fame here” concluded Valente. However, the path is still long: «Calabria is taking the right steps – he maintained Salvatore Mangiafico, of the Neuromed Pozzilli Institute of Isernia – But it is not yet adequate to contemporary standards. We need to work a lot on the territory, because Calabria is long and mountainous, so the problem is not easy to solve. But it is not a problem of the medical profession, but rather it is a social, cultural and information problem. Of the ability to immediately understand the symptoms and to make an adequate health transport network available to users.”

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