The Region allocates 40 million for mental health

The Emilia-Romagna Region also confirms for 2024 the allocation of 40 million euros to support the implementation plan for mental health recently approved by the council. The majority of these resources (33.7 million), coming from the Regional Health Fund, are intended for low-intensity socio-health care interventions for patients in mental health centres, 820 thousand euros are allocated to the program aimed at young people among 12 to 25 year olds with eating disorders; another 400 thousand for the health and well-being of people at the onset of psychosis in mental health centers. 565 thousand euros go to the regional program for specific learning disabilities, in particular for early diagnosis. A total of 4 million and 230 thousand euros are reserved for the integrated regional program for territorial assistance to people with autism spectrum disorder. Finally, 280 thousand euros for the care of children and young people with intellectual disabilities. The funds are distributed among all the Local Health Authorities of the Region in these seven areas of intervention. “Investing in mental health and support for vulnerable people is an essential priority for our Region – comments the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini – It is essential to put the patient at the center by offering treatment paths that respect their dignity and individual needs. Only in this way can we build a more inclusive and supportive society, in which no one is left behind.” The Plan, in fact, follows the personalized therapeutic approach based on the “Health Budget” – underlines a note from the Region – an innovative organizational-management model in the socio-health field experimented by Emilia-Romagna and addressed not only to people with severe mental disorders, but also to those with complex socio-health needs (strong social marginality, disabilities, pathological addictions), which aims to put people at the center of intervention strategies. Among the main objectives, that of limiting hospitalizations in health facilities through the strengthening of home interventions.


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