“Enough abuse.” Giovinazzo (Reclamation Consortium) announces extraordinary checks in Calabria

“Enough abuse.” Giovinazzo (Reclamation Consortium) announces extraordinary checks in Calabria
“Enough abuse.” Giovinazzo (Reclamation Consortium) announces extraordinary checks in Calabria

CATANZARO «The distribution of water for irrigation has started and the Calabria Reclamation Consortium is committed to constant monitoring with all the workers. But this is not enough, and so the Single Consortium, faced with a period, as also certified by the relevant bodies, which will be characterized by severe drought, has implemented an extraordinary control activity throughout the regional territory to avoid abuses and guarantee water to farmers”. This is what is stated in a note Extraordinary Commissioner Giacomo Giovinazzo, who highlights that particular attention will, as always, be paid to the agricultural sector to support farmers. «The Consortium will have no tolerance for those who use water for unauthorized uses and will not allow the presence of any non-regularized connections. There is the utmost commitment – ​​continues Giovinazzo – to guarantee interventions which have seen the replacement of sections of worn out pipelines or their repair and this has entailed a considerable financial commitment. From the beginning of my mandate – he specifies – I have always insisted on loyal collaboration with farmers and I am confident of this because it will happen. Our goal is the reduction of waste and the appropriate use of the resource. The drought is also affecting our territories which are traditionally rich in water, and may do so early this year, putting the agricultural sector in crisis. The extraordinary control measure is also dictated by the fact that we have verified unpleasant episodes, with squatters who have non-regularized water connections and due to the responsibility we have we must act quickly. Therefore, adds the Commissioner, all users without authorization to connect to the consortium network must go to the district offices and immediately sign the user application. The teams in charge of supervision, warns Giovinazzo, in addition to suspending the provision of the service, will immediately report violators to the competent judicial authority. Therefore – concludes Giovinazzo – not just an appeal but concrete actions to demine irresponsible behaviour”.

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