SAVA Committee closes the online petition on Medioetruria

Dear fellow citizens,

we have reached the conclusion of our online petition on the Medioetruria station serving Arezzo and its valleys.

We gratefully announce the closure of the petition, heartily thanking the over 8,000 signatories who supported this important initiative.

The three years of collecting signatures were exhausting but also very stimulating and we had the honor of delivering the first 5000 signatures to the President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, the Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini and the parliamentarians Tiziana Nisini and Laura Boldrini.

The petition will be officially closed on 15 July 2024, via a live broadcast on the page of the AV station in the province of Arezzo.

When the community comes together it can achieve significant goals.

Thanks to your support we have raised local politics’ awareness of the Medioetruria theme: reminding everyone of this project which is so decisive for the future of our city.
To those who have not yet believed in Medio Etruria, we extend a special invitation: dream for the good of Arezzo, especially when the objectives are difficult to achieve! Only with the active participation and support of everyone can we hope for a better future for generations to come.

A sore point: the industrial world of Arezzo has not shown the support we expected for this work and this deeply disappoints us. Thinking in particular of many small businesses that will see even more difficult and irreversible years.

However, the activities of the Arezzo High Speed ​​Station Committee will continue with determination, because we firmly believe in our goal and in the strength of our community.
For those who have not yet signed, the petition can be reached via this link:

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